Sure - seems legit for #Russia to sue #Poland for $750 billion for freeing them from Nazi-Germany.
Although, a counter-claim from Poland for $750 trillion against the Russians for conspiring with the Nazis to invade them in the first place in 1939 would have more merit. #MolotovRibbentrop
Oh, and another $ gazillion for the subsequent oppression of the Polish people between 1945 and 1989 🤷
#russia #poland #molotovribbentrop #putler #russiaisaterroriststate
Our Lord and savor the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Parmesan Be Upon Him) hath divinely inspired you with its noodly appendage to conduct spiritual battle against the false prophet
@westtexasjesus and his tankie heresies! Lo, you are not alone, @ArenaCops, Observe the ancient texts & scrolls which prove your words!
#Russia #Ukraine #WW2 #Stalin #FDR #Pastafarian #MolotovRibbentrop #SecretClauses
#russia #ukraine #WW2 #stalin #fdr #pastafarian #molotovribbentrop #secretclauses
True, as long as "West" includes the Soviet Union. Its deal with the Nazis helped create contemporary Ukraine #MolotovRibbentrop . Plus, Khrushchev's "gift" of Crimea is still causing ruptions.
RT @HungaryBased
🇭🇺 Hungarian Prime Minister during a Trianon memorial:
"The West drew the borders of Central Europe without any moral concern. Just as they drew the borders of Africa and the Middle East."-Orbán Viktor