Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 20/29:
#Molecules — who doesn’t love ‘em? With the linked tool #MolView, you can visualize them in all sorts of ways and even create your own.
Here’s a structural image of #luciferase, which (if you can somehow manage to synthesize it in your buttocks) will make your arse glow in the dark.
Boost and add your own!
#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #SCIENCE! #GlowInTheDarkArsesFTW
#insteadofworldcup #molecules #molview #luciferase #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #science #glowinthedarkarsesftw