Last day of the #EASR2023
So many impressions I could not share. Time is so intense this year especially because I spent so much time also in the #childcare room. I knew it will be an experience to attend with a LO, and I'm so thankful to the organizers who made it possible by engaging such a nice nanny and to my sister who accompanied me as babysitter backup. I'm also proud of myself to have managed it - sometimes exhausted, maybe absent, or vanishing quickly after the panels.
#momademia #childcare #easr2023
If you're wondering what it's like to live in the US right now, I had a full on anxiety attack dropping my daughter off at day care today because there was a dude on the corner yelling bog standard right wing conspiracy theories into a megaphone. I've lived most of my life in California and Arizona, and never been worried about cranks. Crankery is a vaunted American tradition. But our cranks are no longer harmless. #momademia
Excited to be at GRC on cell growth and proliferation. In addition to presenting our lab’s work on cell cycle regulation in #drosophila I am also representing moms that bring their kids to conferences. #momademia.
Dispatches from the professor at Disneyland: "Peter Pan is the true villain of the story, refusing to grow up and recruiting a series of unknowing girls to do his domestic chores. When Captain Hook, the figure of adulthood, attempts to stop Peter, Peter mutilates the captain and turns him into a joke. In this essay I will..." #Momademia @academicchatter
Today, my child licked the pole of a Paris metro train and rolled around the floor in the gare d'est. I'm sure that's better than a booster shot 🤦. #Momademia #toddlermom
My 3 year old, having learned that Disneyland Paris has a dragon in the castle, wanted to know where prince ronald was (from the paper bag princess). I told her I didn't know. She said "in the belly?" #Momademia #childrensbooks
One of the great pleasures of parenting is the smell of fresh Play-Doh #Momademia
Nothing like having your toddler break into your home office to whack you with a stuffie while you're in the middle of a serious academic conversation in your second language. #Momademia
3 year old is on spring break. No, it doesn't sync with mine. When I left her while I went to the bathroom, she was happily watching Cars in English. When I came back she was watching a Tagalog (?) feed of the PGA tour. No idea how that happened. #Momademia #parenting
First parents only trip since we've had kids.... so 5 years. Not sure what I'm looking forward to most for this second visit #momademia #parentsarewild
The other day I showed a video about media in Afghanistan in one of my class and I started a video of the Gruffalo by mistake.
Tell me you're an #academicmom without telling me you're one #momademia #mom #parenting
#academicmom #momademia #mom #parenting
Working parents rule no. 1: don't schedule important appointments when your spouse already has an important appointment at the same time, because _inevitably_ either one kid will become ill or daycare is closed.
At least for the kid without childcare, the grandparents were able to cover for us. I was able to switch my urgent meeting to Zoom, so the sick kid could stay on the couch with me. Flexible working is really something good that emerged from the COVID chaos
#AcademicParents #Momademia
Since I had a baby everybody is using that metaphor that I need to put the oxygen mask on myself first.
Sure, only issue is that there's no oxygen mask on the plane and I need to learn how to drive it while everybody else is screaming.
And I'm not breathing
#Momademia #mom #parenting
#moms #academicmastodon #momademia
Questions for moms out there:
What gives you joy about motherhood?
What makes you think "despite all the challenges, I'd do it again?"
#moms #academicmastodon #momademia
Maybe someone from #academicmastodon can help me:
Preparing my annual evaluation, where on my CV do I write that I'm a goddess and people need to worship me bc I did all the work I needed to do AND produced 200l of milk?
#academicmastodon #mom #momademia
I can't believe this kid is 5 now (and that I'm still a postdoc). Time flies when you have children and a full time job #momademia
#sundayfunday seems like a good day for #mealprep. New #semester starts tomorrow, along with #daycare for the LO. Pardon me while I go destroy my kitchen!
Really trying to maintain a regular #routine this year. Hasn’t been our forte in the past, but with a #baby in the house and increasing demands from work, now seems like the right time to start. And we start with meal prepping! A bit late to the game but better than never, eh?
#workingmom #motherhood #mother #momademia #momlife #mom #baby #routine #daycare #semester #mealprep #sundayfunday
If I had time, I'd start a TikTok account called "fast recipes for babies, for people who don't have time to cook because they have babies", and explain how to wean your baby by cooking 3 minutes every meal and then go back writing &teaching
#academicmastodon #momademia #momademic
#academicmastodon #momademia #momademic
Do we agree that when you pump & write, your writing counts as double?
#momademia #momademic @academicchatter @academicsunite #academicmastodon #moma
#momademia #momademic #academicmastodon #moma