@martinfleis for what it's worth I have updated all of the modules according to your recipe and have a backwardly incompatible #pysal #momepy but Shapely 2.0 "compliant" version on GitHub.
This is based on my now-closed pull-request. It passes pytest validation and I'll use this in the meantime.
(With this and the #pyogrio issue at Christmas, which is fixed, I seemed to be inadvertently surfing the bleeding edge somewhat).
Anyway thanks again for all these toolsets and your help today.
Today's update is #Momepy and #Pysal may give unexpected results due to #PyGeos and #Shapely 2.0 compatibility.
The problem is here https://github.com/pysal/momepy/issues/472.
Based on the PR comments #473 https://github.com/pysal/momepy/pull/473, it is a Shapely 2.0 compatibility issue.
Based on guidance here https://github.com/pysal/momepy/pull/473#issuecomment-1465730704 and noting a GeoPandas discussion here https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/issues/2691#issuecomment-1375890344 I have a workaround and the issue will be fixed.
Thanks to @martinfleis for his work on this and his timely help and advice.
#momepy #PySAL #pygeos #Shapely