K.T. Elliott · @KTElliottMicro
309 followers · 397 posts · Server mstdn.social

time, I suppose

I'm a bacterial geneticist at a smallish public college. I teach (frequently Genetics) and have an undergrad only research lab. Research interests include CNVs and 16S ribosomal RNA processing

I post a little about science and faculty life, a lot about being an academic/working mom and about my kids' zany antics, with some photos of my very handsome dog Sammy in the mix

#dogsofmastodon #genetics #mominscience #undergradresearch #womeninstem #microbiology #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

DrGTenbergen · @DrGTenbergen
49 followers · 57 posts · Server mas.to

Ok, I caved. I finally turned on for background noise while I work. It’s our first year as a family of 3 and it feeds a positive ambience in the house. Now to catch up on a few things while the babester is napping!

#AcademicCommunity #academicproductivity #academicswithkids #academicchat #mominscience #workingmother #workingmom #workingday #ambience #christmasonmymind #christmasmusic

Last updated 2 years ago