Holly Marlow · @hollymarlow
7 followers · 46 posts · Server ohai.social

Last week, a gust of wind blew my coat open, at which point I realised I was wearing my dressing gown between my clothes and my coat. Today I realised after a long chat with a teacher that I've been sporting a rogue sleep mask, dangling stylishly from my Mum bun. Yay. 🙈


#mumstyle #momstyle #mumbun #mumbunlife #mombun #mombunlife #sleepdeprived #mumstruggles #momstruggles #thestruggleisreal #parenthumor #parentinghumor #parentingwithhumor #parenthumour #parentinghumour #parentingwithhumour

Last updated 2 years ago

Holly Marlow · @hollymarlow
5 followers · 20 posts · Server ohai.social

FB memories showed me this throwback from 4 years ago today. Thought I'd share it in case anyone is running out of ideas for things to do with their children in these school holidays! Going to have a rummage tomorrow and see if I still have that old jumper or something similarly fuzzy so the children can style me! 😂

#play #playideas #playfulparenting #playfulparent #preschooleractivities #activitiesforkids #funactivities #fun #parentinghacks #parenthacks #momhacks #mumhacks #momstyle #mumstyle

Last updated 2 years ago