Turned on the radio, Stuart Maconie's #FreakZone is playing #Momus. Takes me back. Met him at a gallery/installation thingy in New York a good long while ago...
The New Pornographers - Pontius Pilate's Home Movies
Carl Newman's vocals on this track sound extremely like Momus and, again, I'm wondering why no-one else in my indie music circles seems to know who #Momus is.
#momus #nowplaying #thenewpornographers #powerpop #indierock
https://youtu.be/1guCc_61GTk thinking about #Momus and this song came to mind for the melancholy I feel tonight.
Throwing this out there AGAIN (lost everything in a collapsed instance. Painful)
#DoctorWho #StarWars #PetShopBoys #DepecheMode #Kraftwerk #DivineComedy #TheClash #BigAudioDynamite #JohnGrant #Radiohead #Aha #TheBeatles #StudioGhibli #Blur #Gorillaz #Japan #NewOrder #Blancmange #Momus #Guillemots #TheSmiths #TheStranglers #JulianCope #DavidBowie #Leftfield #Orbital #Underworld #Doves #Portishead #FriendlyFires #ScrittiPolitti #ItsImmaterial #ArtOfNoise #TedLasso #Ghosts #Marvel #DaftPunk
#doctorwho #starwars #petshopboys #depechemode #kraftwerk #divinecomedy #theclash #bigaudiodynamite #johngrant #radiohead #aha #thebeatles #studioghibli #blur #gorillaz #japan #neworder #blancmange #momus #guillemots #thesmiths #thestranglers #juliancope #davidbowie #leftfield #orbital #underworld #doves #portishead #friendlyfires #scrittipolitti #itsimmaterial #artofnoise #tedlasso #ghosts #Marvel #daftpunk
An album that I bought as a teen and have listened to continuously - the eighth in a series - #InfluentialAlbums #Momus #TenderPervert - at a time when my tastes were mostly punk / industrial / noise this was a delicate little perverted flower. Recharged my love of lyrics & seemed to capture some of my experiences / thoughts perfectly. I still pretty much can mumble along to every word. (join in using the #InfluentialAlbums hashtag and #boost the word around, would love to see others)
#influentialalbums #momus #tenderpervert #boost
Just going to throw this out there...
#DoctorWho #StarWars #PetShopBoys #ElectronicMusic #DepecheMode #Kraftwerk #DivineComedy #TheClash #BigAudioDynamite #JohnGrant #Radiohead #Aha #TheBeatles #StudioGhibli #Blur #Gorillaz #Japan #NewOrder #Blancmange #Momus #Guillemots #TheSmiths #TheStranglers #TheThe #JulianCope #DavidBowie #Leftfield #Orbital #Underworld #Doves #Portishead #FriendlyFires #Minutemen #ScrittiPolitti #ItsImmaterial #ArtOfNoise #TedLasso #Ghosts #Marvel #DaftPunk
#doctorwho #starwars #petshopboys #electronicmusic #depechemode #kraftwerk #divinecomedy #theclash #bigaudiodynamite #johngrant #radiohead #aha #thebeatles #studioghibli #blur #gorillaz #japan #neworder #blancmange #momus #guillemots #thesmiths #thestranglers #thethe #juliancope #davidbowie #leftfield #orbital #underworld #doves #portishead #friendlyfires #minutemen #scrittipolitti #itsimmaterial #artofnoise #tedlasso #ghosts #Marvel #daftpunk
J’ai honte d'avoir si mal jugé #Momus à la première écoute ! En approfondissant un peu, je me rends à quelle point sa pop intellectuelle et perverse se distingue du lot.