Doing this from #MonaForIphone. Another way to get a new post, is to use the Doubletap and hold gesture.
This is very odd indeed. I've tried to write this post three or four times by now and my Braille display (Humanware BrailleOne) keeps pasting in repeats of my post in somewhat of a mashed up fashion. I updated to the beta version of iOS 16.4 today but only just woke up the display. Anyone else having this issue? I haven't done all the usual troubleshooting stuff yet, but I was in the toot box so ththought I'd ask. needless 6to say, I had to go back to Braille Screen Input to write this. #iOS #VoiceOver #Braille #BrailleDisplay #Accessibility #Blind #MonaForIPhone
#ios #voiceover #Braille #brailledisplay #accessibility #blind #monaforiphone
Mastodon is gonna get a wide variety of 3rd party apps that are so top notch, it’ll be “Twitter Who”. My favorite Twitter app is Spring for Twitter. The creators of this app now have a #Mastodon app in beta, Mona of Mastodon. I’m currently beta testing this btch and let me just say, FINALLY! Fck #Twitter.
#monaforiphone #Twitter #Mastodon