@Hortkind86 Wie zuvor auch, #MonaForMastodon. Hatte gedacht bzw. gehofft, mit #Ivory doch noch warm zu werden, aber nach einer Minute hat es schon gereicht. 🙄
Wow. I guess I lost track of time today.
#Mastodon #Threads #ThreadsApp #MetaThreads #ThreadsForInstagram #MonaForMastodon
#mastodon #threads #threadsapp #metathreads #threadsforinstagram #monaformastodon
Mein aktuelles Theme für #MonaForMastodon !
Super angenehm zu lesen. 🤩 mona-cat://8563
For now - the @MonaApp app is the daily driver here. I like it very much. #MonaForMastodon
Wie bekomme ich in der iPad App eine weitere benutzerdefinierte Column auf die rechte Seite? #MonaForMastodon #followerpower
#followerpower #monaformastodon
Hey #AllThingsTech community! If you’re using @MonaApp, I just created a AllThingsTech theme that uses our colors in a nice, appealing way throughout the app.
Have a look and try it out.
#allthingstech #monatheme #monaformastodon
Just re—Authorized Spring for Twitter on my Mac for as long as it lasts. Now I have both Spring and Mona on all of my Apple Devices. #Springfortwitter, #monaformastodon,
#springfortwitter #monaformastodon
Okay so, I have been trying to figure out the multiple column view in @MonaApp. Are we not able to show multiple columns at once? Like home feed, notifications, etc.?
@victor @ivory I don’t think any client supports this! I use #MonaForMastodon and would love that too.
That's one thing I love about #MonaForMastodon is that it uses the lovely tab bar, which can be configured, just like the old Twitterrific if I remember correctly.
Nach ein paar Tagen mit der @MonaApp. Tolle Funktionen, viele Einstellungsmöglichkeiten und anscheinend auch barrierefrei bedienbar. Pro Version ist zu empfehlen. Aus irgendeinem Grund (ich kann euch nicht genau sagen, was es ist) fühle ich mich in der @ivory App etwas gemütlicher aufgehoben. Aber vielleicht brauche ich einfach Umgewöhnungszeit.
Auf alle Fälle: Toll, dass es alternative Clients (@IceCubesApp nicht zu vergessen) gibt. #MonaForMastodon ist einen Versuch wert.
Hey @MonaApp I miss one thing in the App Store version, the "App Text Browser" from the beta so you could customize some terms to your own liking. e.g. ReBlog → Reboost
Would that be possible to make the beta feature available there too?
I know it was actually only intended to help with the translation.
❓Time for another poll! ❓This one of for you iOS Mastodon users.
Which app do you use to access Mastodon?
Please BOOST for maximum #Fediverse reach 🙏🏼
#Mastodon #MastodonApps #Ivory #MonaForMastodon #IceCubesApp #Poll #PollsOfMastodon #Polls #POTD
#fediverse #mastodon #mastodonapps #ivory #monaformastodon #icecubesapp #poll #pollsofmastodon #polls #potd
Terrific deep dive on the new @MonaApp release on #MacOS at @macstories
#macos #monaformastodon #mastodon #apps
@MonaApp just released and I purchased the Mona Pro Max version for 2200 yen which gives a lifetime multi-platform license - a bargain at twice the price. I’ve been using the beta for a few days now and really like it so far! Highly recommended.
Mastodon apps keep getting better and better🥰
#mastodon #app #iOS #mona #monaformastodon
mona for mastodon 和 spring for twitter 出自同一團隊,軟體操作和設定介面一模一樣。雖說前一陣子 Twitter 因政策關係,讓很多第三方 Twitter Client 停止開發終止更新。
過了三個月,大多數的推特使用者選擇官方 APP,較少一部分的人會使用 Tweetdeck。殊不知在幾星期前 Spring for Twitter ( iOS / iPadOS / macOS ) 全版本更新,已經可以正常登入 Twitter!
#twitter #springfortwitter #monaformastodon
mona for mastodon 和 spring for twitter 出自同一團隊,軟體操作和設定介面一模一樣。雖說前一陣子 Twitter 因政策關係,讓很多第三方 Twitter Client 停止開發終止更新。
過了三個月,大多數的推特使用者選擇官方 APP,較少一部分的人會使用 Tweetdeck。殊不知在幾星期前 Spring for Twitter (iOS / iPadOS / macOS ) 全版本更新,已經可以正常登入 Twitter!
#twitter #springfortwitter #monaformastodon
mona for mastodon 和 spring for twitter 出自同一團隊,軟體操作和設定介面一模一樣。雖然說前一陣子 Twitter 因政策關係,讓很多好用的第三方 Twitter Client 停止開發終止更新,直接轉往 Mastodon 繼續奮戰,也是一個不錯的解決之道!
過了將近三個月的時間,大多數的推特使用者選擇官方 APP,較少一部分的人會使用 Tweetdeck。殊不知在幾個星期前 Spring for Twitter 已更新全版本( iOS / iPadOS / macOS) 可以正常登入 Twitter,但現在的我已經不感興趣了π√π
#twitter #springfortwitter #monaformastodon