1. #deathmetal
2. #monarchism/#royalism
3. #eugenics
4. #capitalism
5. #panentheism
6. #nationalism (#ethnonationalism)
7. #freebsd
8. #tobacco, #weed, #alcohol
9. #trump2024
10. #oregano
#10thingsiloverightnow #deathmetal #monarchism #eugenics #capitalism #Panentheism #nationalism #ethnonationalism #freebsd #tobacco #weed #alcohol #trump2024 #oregano
Depends, are we talking Legitimist, Orléanist, or Bonapartist? #monarchism #lizardpeople
Annadurai cautioned Nehru in 1947 about motives behind sengol ‘gift’
For a government that starts out on a new path, will its governance be good if it gets a sengol from those who have made a business out of exploiting the mind and subsequently the lives of the people?
#sceptre #sengol #JawaharlalNehru #CNAnnadurai #NarendraModi #authoritarianism #adheenam #mutts #monarchism #NewParliament #hindutva #TamilNadu #DMK #india
#tamilnadu #DMK #sceptre #sengol #jawaharlalnehru #cnannadurai #narendramodi #authoritarianism #adheenam #mutts #monarchism #newparliament #hindutva #india
Guess what is on the list of keywords that trigger #ECHELON/#PRISM traffic sieving SIGINT programs?
It's official: they fear Us.
#echelon #monarchism #royalism #ultraroyalism
Redpill me on #monarchism
Why should I support monarchism?
I already think people are retarded but I'm not sure if monarchs are more retarded.
@lerk @gilduran #Capitalism is to #capital as #monarchism is to #monarch.
#capitalism #capital #monarchism #monarch
@balan @hammancheez @Eiregoat @dew_the_dew @coldacid @Moon @anornymorse @jeffcliff
Leftism is the political wing of egalitarianism.
Conservatism means keeping what works with an eye toward quality and a transcendent goal.
The centralizing impetus comes about when bureaucracy does.
This replaces the kings.
This is why #monarchism is the root of #conservatism.
Either that, or disenfranchise the proles, because they've fucked everything up.
#monarchism now
"So an intolerant, divisive, sexually repressed, fascist state is a better alternative?"
I don't know. That's definitely not what I am arguing for.
"So abortions and euthanasia for the 'undesirables' is ok i guess then?"
Absolutely. Euthanasia of the retarded, criminal, promiscuous, and insane is a must.
"People should broaden their horizons instead of ruminating the same regressive ideologies"
I agree, which is why I left the modern state and embraced #monarchism.
I do not trust dictatorship.
It is possible to have a non-tyrannical dictator who, even if he uses strong power, does so for the best of his civilization.
But, what comes after?
#Monarchism works; the other four civilization-types (democracy, oligarchy, military rule, and dictatorship) do not.
Tyrone is most likely to rob other Black people, statistically.
What matters is what works. Diversity does not, whether racial or ethnic.
#WASPAmerica worked. #Monarchism made the West great. #Democracy and #Diversity have reduced it to ruins.
#WASPAmerica #monarchism #democracy #diversity
The Western way of #monarchism is a bit different, including #manorialfeudalism.
#monarchism #manorialfeudalism
AmRen broaches a difficult question: is #monarchism inherently White?
The 17th-century English poet John Dryden wrote, 'Kings cannot reign unless their subjects give' — and in the past two days we have witnessed the love given by that public to their late Queen and their new King, which will enable the monarchy to survive, even through these turbulent times.
#monarchism rising as #democracy fades.
Western Civilization rose under the kings, fell under prole rule.
Neocons/RINOs were always just conservatives who wanted a conservative form of liberalism, and that always backfires (cf National Socialism).
We need to go Furthest Right, which means #ethnonationalism with #monarchism and #minarchism, meaning very little government.
#ethnonationalism #monarchism #minarchism