I never did an #introduction post, so it looks like now is a good time.
Hi. I'm Rebecca.
I'm a #teacher, primarily high school English #literacy / #ELA with predominantly second-language speakers. #HabloEspañol. I work in #ChristianEd. I'm interested in everything #education and #pedagogy. Alumna of #ClearTheAir.
My formal training is in #linguistics. I know enough #ASL to get myself into trouble but not out of it. Sign name R-dimple in my local community.
I'm a misfit #Christian who grew up fundamentalist, went liberal Baptist for two years, became a classic case of Young, Restless, and #Reformed (but still Baptist), and am now learning to have no heroes but Jesus. The #Bible is good; #theology is not an intellectual exercise. Holding religious freedom and soul liberty together with a historically Christian sexual ethic. Miss the high church liturgy. #Monasticism-curious. Hate abuse, love survivors. #Missionary sent to the Dominican Republic.
I'm currently learning #photography and currently trying for a year of #WeeklyPhotoChallenge to practice my skills.
It's great to be a Michigan Wolverine. #GoBlue 〽️
(PS I manually approve follower requests for everybody's safety- it's a teacher thing - but the lock icon doesn't mean my account is private 😊)
#introduction #teacher #literacy #ela #habloespanol #christianed #education #pedagogy #cleartheair #linguistics #asl #christian #reformed #bible #theology #monasticism #missionary #photography #weeklyphotochallenge #goblue
Finished my longest water fast yet - due to bad math I thought it was going to be 36 hours, but turned out to be 40.
Vivid dreams returned last night and ketp flu hit bad this morning, so I ended the fast with gentle protein. Was spiritually rewarding, fruitful, and challenging.
Yesterday the month of Toxcatl ended, and the confessionary is closed again for another year, which was the occasion for the fast.
#pagan #polytheist #mexicayotl #Aztec #Mexica #contemplation #monasticism
#monasticism #contemplation #mexica #aztec #mexicayotl #polytheist #pagan
Such a find provides material evidence for the possibility of #Buddhist ideas influencing both philosophy and practices in the Roman world in the early centuries CE. There does seem to be a remarkable similarity between #neoplatonism particularly as expounded by #plotinus and #Buddhism. And it may not be coincidental that #Christian #monasticism developed first in #Egypt - the region most accessible to #india - the then centre of #Buddhism.
#buddhist #neoplatonism #plotinus #buddhism #christian #monasticism #egypt #india
A recent #bookhaul:
- Listening Below the Silence by Anne D. LeClaire
- The Monk Withhin by Beverley Lanzetta
- Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye by Rudolf Arnheim
- The Shamanic Bones of Zen by Zenju EarthLink Manuel
- Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
- A Feast of Prayers by Beverly Lanzetta
- The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution by Micah White
#politics #contemplation #monasticism #zen #art #bookstodon #bookhaul
“To be a monk meant to engage with texts, be it through writing, interpretation, or enacting in practice.”
#monasticism #histodons #historynerd
I teach book 8 of John Cassian's Institutes, "On The Spirit of Anger" in my Anger and Justice class. I've created a set of new core concept videos on that text. Here's the first one!
#Anger #Video #Cassian #Philosophy #Monasticism #Emotion #Vice #Wrath
#wrath #vice #emotion #monasticism #philosophy #cassian #video #anger
Through the prayers of our holy desert mothers, especially saint Mary of Egypt who we faithful celebrate this time of year, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us ✝️☦️✝️
#SaintMaryOfEgypt #MaryOfEgypt #DesertMother #Monasticism #Christianity #Catholic #Catholicism #OrthodoxChristianity
#saintmaryofegypt #maryofegypt #desertmother #monasticism #christianity #catholic #catholicism #orthodoxchristianity
Comics for Monks updated! https://monks.bone.blue
#pagan #polytheist #monasticism #contemplation #fasting #spirituality #huehuemexicayotl #mexicayotl #chicano #ChicanoSpirituality
#chicanospirituality #chicano #mexicayotl #huehuemexicayotl #spirituality #fasting #contemplation #monasticism #polytheist #pagan
I read an encyclical by Pope Innocent IV, Quae Honorem Conditoris Omnium, Whatever is for the Honor of the Creator of All, written in 1243.
#carmelite #stalbert #monasticism
Comics for Monks has updated! https://monks.bone.blue
#polytheism #paganism #pagan #monasticism #NewMonasticism #minimalism #VoluntarySimplicity #NoPoo #GreenLiving #ZeroWaste
#zerowaste #greenliving #nopoo #VoluntarySimplicity #minimalism #newmonasticism #monasticism #pagan #paganism #polytheism
Your students want to do something fun after graduation from uni? Come join the Scottish Monasticism Field School! Learn about #medieval #monasticism, #archaeology, #landscape #heritage in St Andrews & Perth this summer.
Led by @AlisonIBeach w/ Derek Hall & me!
Apply here: https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/study-abroad/at-st-andrews/summer-study/monastic-scotland/
#heritage #landscape #archaeology #monasticism #medieval
I guess I shouldn't be surprised about practices this extreme, but I still am. https://phys.org/news/2023-02-mysterious-skeleton-revealed-unusual-lady.html
Since I had no idea what an anchorite or anchoress was, I had to look it up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchorite
#Christianity #anthropology #anchoress #anchorite #monasticism
"This medieval woman was buried in a tightly crouched position within the apse of the church foundations, a small room located behind the altar."
#monasticism #anchorite #anchoress #anthropology #christianity
Comics for Monks #2 is up! https://monks.bone.blue/
#pagan #polytheist #polytheism #animism #buddhism #philosophy #meaning #contemplation #monasticism #religious #spiritual #SpiritualArt
#SpiritualArt #spiritual #religious #monasticism #contemplation #meaning #philosophy #buddhism #animism #polytheism #polytheist #pagan
“To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.”
#etymology #mycology #genealogy #WorldBuilding #monasticism #LowTech #GhostSigns (I kept taking out things that were covered by “low tech” and replacing them with something more random but I don’t think I’ve yet come close to random enough.)
#etymology #mycology #genealogy #worldbuilding #monasticism #lowtech #GhostSigns
“To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.”
#etymology #mycology #genealogy #WorldBuilding #monasticism #LowTech #GhostSigns #GutHealth (I kept taking out things that were covered by “low tech” and replacing them with something more random but I don’t think I’ve yet come close to random enough.)
#etymology #mycology #genealogy #worldbuilding #monasticism #lowtech #GhostSigns #guthealth
#RuinedPrioryFriday Llanthony Priory, #Cymru #Wales
#monasticism #Augustinian #12thcentury
#12thcentury #augustinian #monasticism #wales #cymru #ruinedprioryfriday
A big part of my #monastic #contemplative practice is in the constant, even daily, honoring of my limitations as a human being. "Honoring" is a deliberate word choice - it includes acceptance and observation, but also respect and deference. I defer to my limitations in a way that reaffirms my dependence on others, the Gods, and the whole of creation.
One cannot do anything alone.
#monasticism #monk #polytheism #paganism #pagan #animism #religion #contemplation #philosophy
#philosophy #contemplation #religion #animism #pagan #paganism #polytheism #monk #monasticism #contemplative #monastic
#RuinedPrioryFriday St Dogmael's Abbey, Sir Benfro, #Cymru #Wales
#monasticism #tironensian #12thcentury
#12thcentury #tironensian #monasticism #wales #cymru #ruinedprioryfriday
#RuinedPrioryFriday Lindisfarne Priory, England (Jul. 2018)
#monasticism #Lindisfarne
#lindisfarne #monasticism #ruinedprioryfriday