Watch: George Monbiot DESTROYS Rishi Sunak AND Keir Starmer #ukpolitics #environment #monbiot #climate
#ukpolitics #environment #monbiot #climate
George Monbiot on factory farming: a Simpler Way critique.
By Ted Trainer
#simplerway #factoryfarming #permaculture #monbiot #degrowth
UK companies are using civil injunctions to financially ruin climate protesters - no trial required.
#monbiot #civilliberties #Righttoprotest #climatechange
George #Monbiot has a new opinion piece
First, he describes some astonishing eco laws in #France before heading into a rant about UK's failure.
Astonishing to me.
All public servants receive advanced training on biodiversity and climate knowledge and how that pertains to the sector they're working in.
I guess, the strongly centralised organisation in France makes that education project easier. But nevertheless, I haven't heard of such education projects in Germany or anywhere else, even in cities that had declared climate emergencies when that became en vogue.
@tf I know #Monbiot from his Oxford days at undercurrents. His analysis is fad, his endings tend to be pants, its #mainstreaming
On the subject of the article, I made a video on this yesterday
The damage that #Corbyn did to the left in #UK will never go away and is in a way why UK is stuck with mediocre and destructive Tories. The antisemitic and coward whatabouism branch of the left in UK is a disgrace and the destruction of a viable alternative. #Monbiot is the same way an asshole as #RogerWaters and all that twisted left that exist in UK. #Ukraine #Putin #UkraineWar
#corbyn #uk #monbiot #rogerwaters #ukraine #putin #UkraineWar
#Assange, #Monbiot, #RusselBrand, #Greenwald, #TuckerCarlson, #Corbyn, #Trump #OPCW cover-up... all in the same article!
#assange #monbiot #russelbrand #greenwald #tuckercarlson #corbyn #trump #opcw
'Do you hate the idea of #animal-free meat? Many people do. Unsurprisingly, livestock farmers are often furiously opposed. More surprisingly, so are some #vegans: “Why can’t people eat #tofu and lentils, like me?” Well, the new products – plant-based, microbial and cell-cultured meat and dairy – are not aimed at vegans, but at the far greater number who like the taste and texture of animals.'
George #Monbiot on why promoting #veganism as a concept isn't enough
#animal #vegans #tofu #monbiot #veganism
@DewiLeBars I think #monbiot is correct in many ways but can we really trust industrial food producers to create something that is good for us and good for the planet rather than good for their profits? Much of what they market now is slowly killing us, one way or another.
@futuroprossimo nel libro #regenesis, il giornalista George #Monbiot mette in guardia da questa pratica: quanta energia e quanto suolo consumano queste colture?
In klinkende oneliners (‘De grootste bevolkingscrisis is niet die van mensen maar van dieren’) probeert #Monbiot zijn publiek te scholen in de basisprincipes van agrarische geletterdheid. Als we ons huidige dieet niet snel wijzigen, zal landbouw de planeet overwoekeren en de laatste rijke, biodiverse ecosystemen van de aarde wegvagen.
‘Hét probleem bij #landbouw is dat bijna niemand de sommetjes maakt. En dat terwijl alles draait om landgebruik. Do the math.’
Any environmental science undergrad knew by then that indoor woodsmoke was very polluting.
And this is the guy who said the Fukushima disaster made him support nuclear.
A deeply self-entitled amateur.
A #woodburning and #pollution debate seems to be brewing. It's going to be interesting to see where this goes. #Monbiot just published a heart string tugging piece on it about the shame, oh the shame of burning wood. The local #pollution hot-spot aside, I do wonder what's up.
+ the debate has been on the backburner for quite some time. Guardian letters page from Oct 2021:
The first writer was correct about attention being turned to candles
#woodburning #pollution #monbiot
@benjaminhccarr to be clear, that is George #Monbiot writing in the Guardian. Monbiot is mearly always great, and his editorial today (where this quote comes from) is one of his best:
#ClimateCrisis #BiodiversityCrisis #EcosystemCollapse
George #Monbiot's latest column absolutely nails it, a must read (and many, many valuable links):
"From the Amazon to Australia, why is your money funding Earth’s destruction? - Fossil fuels, fisheries and farming: the world’s most destructive industries are protected – and subsidised – by governments"
#FossilFuels #Farming #FishingIndustry #Agribusiness #HabitatLoss #HabitatDestruction
#climatecrisis #biodiversitycrisis #ecosystemcollapse #monbiot #fossilfuels #farming #fishingindustry #agribusiness #habitatloss #habitatdestruction
Fermenting a revolution
Be interested if anyone has any views or links to good non-technical writing on this.
#monbiot #microbes #futureoffood
This could well be the future of meat
#vegan #meat #monbiot
So there was an #anticlimate #cabal led by the major developed countries as far back as over 50 years ago 😶
Me cries thinking even the wild scenarios in #MinistryForTheFuture might be too optimistic
#anticlimate #cabal #MinistryForTheFuture #climatechange #environment #latestagecapitalism #monbiot
This George #Monbiot piece on #precisionfermentation in the Graun is the most important thing I’ll share this week, and I don’t even know quite what to think about it yet.
#monbiot #precisionfermentation
Not sure which is closer to the full picture - #Monbiot pointed out that #BigAgriculture is as complicit as #BigOil in ensuring they're not part of the #COP discussions on #climatechange mitigations. On the other hand, at least now they put out reports like this calling for change:
#monbiot #bigagriculture #bigoil #cop #climatechange