L'Âne à Nath, Ânes et savons · @ananath
166 followers · 573 posts · Server diaspodon.fr

I'm glad to introduce you Mikado, a young donkey.
Je suis heureuse de vous présenter Mikado, un jeune âne

#mastodonk #donkeyoftheday #monbray #asstodon #donkey

Last updated 1 year ago


Another popular Donald McGill seaside postcard of the early 1950s, using his recurring donkey motif.

For non-native speakers of English: a bottle of stout is associated with a northern English industrial working class drinking culture of the period: a dark malt beer.

See the ALT-text description and comments.

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #monbray #donaldmcgill

Last updated 2 years ago


To celebrate the hundredth DotD, here's a donk from a century ago, being chauffeured around London.

"Take me to Haymarket, my good man!"

#donkeyoftheday #monbray #equusasinus #asstodon

Last updated 2 years ago


And here's the donkette, back in her blankie.

➡️ (2/2)

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #monbray

Last updated 2 years ago


Aitana in the last of the afternoon sun.

Soon - as the sun drops behind the trees and the temperature falls - Aitana will be back inside her warm winter blanket. The unusual cold wind continues here in the Costa Blanca. Come on, spring: where are you?

⬇️ (1/2)

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #monbray

Last updated 2 years ago


Aitana donkey out for a walk, wearing a pack-saddle with lightly loaded pannier bags.

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #monbray

Last updated 2 years ago


"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

St Paul (1 Cor. 13:12)

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #monbray

Last updated 2 years ago


The children's TV broadcaster ass: "OK kiddies, how do we tell the difference between a donkey, a zorse and a zonkey?"

Is it surprising kids don't understand animals, when mad adults explain things so weirdly ?

And guess what? These are professional zookeepers and broadcasters!


#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #monbray

Last updated 2 years ago

The balloon panic.

The donkeys hid in the stable, spooked by a semi-deflated balloon which had landed under a lemon tree.

"Look at its face," said Rubí donkey. "Undoubtedly Chinese!"

"Spying on our carrots!" said Matilde donkey.

"Spy balloons were first used in the Siege of Paris in 1870," said Morris donkey, reading from Wikipedia.

"It was prolly just let go by a child," said Aitana donkey. "Now she is very sad."

The other donkeys all glared at Aitana.

#monbray #asstodon #china #NATO

Last updated 2 years ago


Evidence for working donkeys can be traced back 7,000 years. It is now believed through DNA tracing they were first domesticated by humans before horses, as they are suited to arid environments.

(Photo: Andrew Holt, in Smithsonian Magazine article "Scientists Uncover the Story of Donkey Domestication" 02/09/22.)

Currently there are 50 million donkeys and many still perform important working roles as draught animals.

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #workingdonkeys #monbray

Last updated 2 years ago

Rang · @rangiferusbunerus
82 followers · 770 posts · Server ohai.social

@equusasinus Do you just claim every day of the week as a donkey day??


I love it.

#monbray #tuesbray #wednesbray #thursbray #fribray #saturbray #sunbray

Last updated 2 years ago

Rang · @rangiferusbunerus
26 followers · 115 posts · Server ohai.social

@equusasinus @annavirrpanna Wait there is a ? D:
But that totally collides with ! Can‘t we do a ? Or a ? Or ? 😭

#wednesbray #wednesneigh #monbray #tuassday #saturdonk

Last updated 2 years ago