Session recap from #MondayDnD
The party defended a load of java beans on a river boat from coffee addicted Troglodytes.
#MondayDnD I've been knocked out, I've come back, I've run towards the Pudding King, I'm down to 5HP again. What a #combat you guys. These slimes keep hitting me with acid!
#MondayDnD #DnDQuotes And now my #DM has spoken: "I need to think tactically, because the Pudding King is the only smart one here". Is this... shade? #DungeonsAndDragons
#mondaydnd #dndquotes #dm #dungeonsAndDragons
#MondayDnD and now the slimes have us by the... well, I don't want to be crass on here. But I'm on 3 HP and I don't know what we're doing. Run? As my #DM used to say, you can always #run
#MondayDnD Two crit hits in a row mean I've dealt about 50 points of damage the last turn. FUN.
#MondayDnD #DnDQuotes "Wait, this isn't a concentration spell? It just... happens?"
The session is going well.
#MondayDnD aaaaaand as usual I'm forgetting my abilities. I could have #rerolled a failed #SavingThrow but who remembers all the abilities of a #barbarian ? #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons
#mondaydnd #rerolled #savingthrow #barbarian #DnD #dungeonsAndDragons
#MondayDnD It is embarrassing how often I fail con saves, considering I'm the 'tank'... #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons
#mondaydnd #DnD #dungeonsAndDragons