Thinking of changing #MondayVGM to #DailyVGM, but with a different prompt to base the tracks around each month.
Anyone get any prompt ideas that they would like to see?
Hydrocity Zone Act 2 (YM2612 Remix) by John Tay
#mondayvgm #videogamesoundtrack #sonicthehedgehog
The Beginning by Stijin van Wakeren from Here Comes Niko!
#VideoGame #VideoGameMusic #VideoGameSoundtrack #HereComesNiko
#mondayvgm #videogame #videogamemusic #videogamesoundtrack #herecomesniko
Crash Beat (Last Boss) by Keishi Yonao from Mad Stalker: Full Metal Forth [Sega Mega Drive]
"Dance through the Danger" by Jake Kaufman and Christina Vee. From Shantae: Half-Genie Hero.
#mondayvgm #VGM #videogamemusic #shantae
Main Theme by Jake Kaufman from Shovel Knight
#VGM #VideoGameMusic #ShovelKnight #JakeKaufman #Virt #YachtClubGames
#mondayvgm #VGM #videogamemusic #shovelknight #jakekaufman #virt #yachtclubgames
Reincarnated Soul, Part 2 from Castlevania: Bloodlines by Michiru Yamane
#mondayvgm #VGM #castlevania #SEGAMegaDrive #SegaGenesis
Gonna try and start a new thing on here, #MondayVGM. Each week I'll share a VGM track, remix or something related to VGM (like an original chiptune track). I would love to see other people join in too.
Tactics Preparation from The Hybrid Front. OST by Naofumi Hataya, Junko Shiratsu and Sachio Ogawa