Fagor #Herrigintza #lankidetza programa abiarazi du Fagor Taldeak, bigarrenez — @TUlankide #MONDRAGON https://www.tulankide.com/eu/fagor-herrigintza-lankidetza-programa-abiarazi-du-fagor-taldeak-bigarrenez
#herrigintza #lankidetza #mondragon
Per posar un exemple, a la #cooperativa més grossa (#Mondragon, cooperativa de 2n grau) amb 80.000 persones treballant-hi, l'escala salarial va de l'1 al 7 entre qui menys cobra i qui més. Això permet una redistribució de la riquesa, major #Igualtat i implicació en la #feina.
A les empreses de l'IBEX o cotitzades a borsa amb plantilles menys extenses, la diferència salarial es dotzenes de vegades més alta. Algunes superen l'1 a 100. Això significa perpetuar el problema.
#cooperativa #mondragon #igualtat #feina
Com fomentar la llengua minoritzada des de l'empresa?
EIKA és una #cooperativa de treball del grup #Mondragón amb més de 400 socis i sòcies. Fa anys que fomenten que la llengua de treball sigui l'euskera i evitar l'habitual "en castellano para que nos entendamos todos". Ara la majoria de la comunicació interna és en #euskera.
Prenguem nota. Allà ho tenien més difícil amb una llengua més minoritzada i difícil d'aprendre. El cooperativisme pot sumar molt en aquest canvi.
#cooperativa #mondragon #euskera
but it doesn't have access to the flows of capital that are directed by capital markets,
hence why #Mondragon has its own bank
#Mondragon cerró 2022 con una subida del 10,7% en ventas y creación de empleo.
Malgrat les sortides d'alguns membres, la principal experiència #cooperativa de 2n grau segueix creixent.
#Coop #Cooperatives #EconomíaSocial #Euskadi
#mondragon #cooperativa #coop #cooperatives #economiasocial #euskadi
@boud @avocado_toast @katco @aral I didn't know anything about #mondragon. I love their philosophy and principles.
Cooperatives are legally defined and successful in many countries [1], especially Spain, such as #Mondragon. (We actually bought our kitchen cooker from a Mondragon sub-company without realising it!)
Surely these cooperatives need *some* geeks and web services?
And specifically for geeks, there's even a specific name, "platform cooperatives" [2].
Support cooperatives and they'll continue growing.
@Disputatore @flawed @zakalwe @Radical_EgoCom
#LibertarianSocialism, i.e., the worker self-owned, worker self-managed, workplace concept doesn't just function at the level of individual instances, it also scales up. See: #NoBAWC, #Mondragon, etc.
#libertariansocialism #NOBAWC #mondragon
In Situ is my effort (with several friends) to translate and publish #coop-related books that aren't available in English (or Portuguese, our other working language so far). We've put out a book on the #BAUEN Hotel, and are now working on a large book about Jose Maria Arizimendiarrieta, better known as #Arizmendi, the spiritual founder of the #Mondragon #cooperatives. To read more, and to watch in real time as I iron out the wrinkles, follow @steve@insitu.coop.
#coop #bauen #arizmendi #mondragon #cooperatives
Orbea S.Coop. Ltda.
La meva bici està feta per una #cooperativa. La marca #Orbea és molt coneguda després de moltes dècades però el que poca gent sap és que a darrera hi ha ha una cooperativa de #treball amb més de 1.000 persones fent-hi feina i més de 400 milions d'euros d'ingressos anuals.
Un punt més per fer coherent el consum amb l'objectiu de fer una economia més sostenible.
🔗 https://www.tulankide.com/es/orbea-consolida-su-proyecto-empleando-a-mas-de-mil-personas
#Coop #Cooperatives #Mondragon #MercatSocial #EconomiaSocial
#cooperativa #orbea #treball #coop #cooperatives #mondragon #mercatsocial #economiasocial
“#Mondragon es una referencia mundial”
"Yo no sabía lo que era una #cooperativa, hasta que lo he vivido, y me he dado cuenta de que ese modelo coincide con muchos de mis valores. En estos días en los que todas las empresas empiezan a hablar del propósito, nuestras #cooperativas lo tenían en su origen. En las cooperativas la sensibilidad hacia la #igualdad existe desde su nacimiento, y las personas participamos de forma real en las decisiones de la #empresa."
#mondragon #cooperativa #cooperativas #igualdad #empresa #coop
🥥 I'm thinking of starting a labor collective along the lines of the #Basque #Mondragon in Spain.
We'd make tumbrils and pitchforks to get started and take it from there.
Any interest in the #Fediverse? 🥥
The #Eroski General Assembly met, 250 Worker Members and 250 Consumer Members.
"The €32.1 million profit of the cooperative has been allocated to pay AFSE interest and the rest to Reserves. [AFSE = controversial pre-2008 subordinated debt. 44 million euros went to pay down bank debt, still at 909 million euros.]
By end of 2022 "9,500 Work members... 1.3 million consumer members"
# 4 in market share in Spain.
Today's to-do list at the Interpreters' Co-op...
- Finish paying people
- Schedule jobs
- Start organizing a large-scale book project licensed under @creativecommons about the founder of #Mondragon
@croselund @hosford42 @RamenJunkie Mondragon in Spain is a fantastic example of worker-owned co-operatives.
And you also raise a really important point about federations of co-operatives, because that's where the economy-transforming magic really starts to happen.
For the uninitiated, just as a group of farmers, consumers, or workers can form a co-operative, likewise a group of co-operatives can form a co-operative.
In some cases, these co-operatives of co-operatives, known as co-operative federations (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_federation), can provide shared services or advocacy on behalf of the member co-ops.
More interestingly, they can also become co-operative wholesale societies (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Co-operative_wholesale_society ) and provide group buying services for member co-ops, and even start manufacturing for themselves.
Taken to its natural limit, the term for an economy where all production is managed through co-operatives is called a "Co-operative Commonwealth".
For people interested in learning more, a good starting point is the rundown on Wikipedia about Cooperative Economics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Co-operative_economics and Cooperative Federalism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_federalism_(economics).
#Economy #Economics #Coop #Cooperative #Cooperatives #Business #Mondragon #RochdalePioneers #Socialism #Anarchism #Capitalism
#economy #economics #coop #cooperative #cooperatives #business #mondragon #rochdalepioneers #socialism #anarchism #capitalism
Pour les curieux qui se demande ce que je fait quand je pouet rien ici, sachez qu'il y a peu j'ai participé à la 1er édition du festival du #Jeu_de_Société de #Mondragon, nommé #LudoDrac, avec l'association "[Les Dés'Mantes](https://www.lesdesmantes.fr/)". #DésMantes
Aperçu de cette première édition sur #YouTube: [Ludodrac [100% LOCAL] Festival du jeu de Mondragon 2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWK2vePFEAo) (Vidéo réalisé du YouTubeur [The Furious Cucumber](https://www.youtube.com/@thefuriouscucumber-jeuxdef8299)
#youtube #desmantes #ludodrac #mondragon #jeu_de_societe
10 years go, or so, we brought undergrads from #mondragón University's #LEINN program to Tokyo for a series of events and conversations on cooperative entrepreneurship and team learning. This is a meeting at #ImpactHub, down by the Meguro river.
@aral @anthony Exactly, Aral. Hard as they are to implement effectively, worker owned coöps are a middle path between blind, exploitive capitalism and crude, oppressive state socialism. At their best, they capture what *is* good in each approach while avoiding the anti-human, fatal flaws in each.
#workerownedcooperatives #mondragon
I guess now I've got #translators following me, I'd best start posting about #translation.
I had a #terminology blog a million years ago, with some real humdingers I'd encountered in my day-to-day. Lately, though, I've been doing so much pharma regulatory that there's just not much interesting terminology to encounter.
I guess now I've got a worker co-op following me (the same people) I'd best start posting about #Mondragon and stuff, too.
#mondragon #terminology #translation #translators
@dcjohnson I’m a great fan of the so-called “third option”, worker-owned coöperatives. You can argue that they capture the best aspects of socialism *and* capitalism, without succumbing to the fatal flaws of either — and, if successful, bring return on investment and wealth to working class people. https://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/how-mondragon-became-the-worlds-largest-co-op
#workerownedcooperatives #mondragon