TinFoil · @TinFoil
6 followers · 53 posts · Server freeatlantis.com

No need to wait for a PayPal alternative. Start using - a privacy by default . "Instant" transactions, fees less than a penny, untraceable, unstoppable.


#monero #xmr #cryptocurrency #moneroFixesThis

Last updated 2 years ago


> "I believe that institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If (…) people ever allow private to control the issue of their , first by , then by , the banks and that will grow up around the banks will deprive people of all property until their children wake up on the their fathers conquered."

~ (1802)

#banking #banks #currency #inflation #deflation #corporations #homeless #land #thomasjefferson #warOnSavers #bitcoincore #moneroFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago

Weapons of Mass Vodka — or just for short.

Seriously we are waiting for the falseflag in about one month.

It will coincide nicely with the, "Oh, you thought we would taper and raise " ritualistic dance that does.

#WMV #cyberattack #interestrates #thefed #falseflag #stockmarket #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #moneroFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago

CYCLISTS IN AUSTRALIA set to sue businesses that are only open during the hottest parts of "the arvo"…

That's 'afternoon' in .

They claim such businesses fuel and , which include health and safety concerns.

"Banks for example should close at 12 midday and reopen at 5pm — not close at bloody 3PM!" said one .

#australian #carculture #airconditioning #cyclist #shouldBeARealNewsStory #publichealth #cycling #carDependency #ohs #energyWastage #waste #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #moneroFixesThis #australia

Last updated 3 years ago

A whopping 40% of 's banks and go through Cloudflare.

Australia is among the worst in the world when it comes to proxying through attacks.

To find out whether your bank is affected click on "Financial_<YOUR CONTINENT>" here:

There's other ways to check your bank too, but we'll discuss those another time.

#australia #creditunions #mitm #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #moneroFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago