Stiofán de Buitléir · @stiofi
167 followers · 3402 posts · Server

"... there’s growing skepticism about how much rate hikes have actually achieved. has declined steeply without ... any noticeable rise in unemployment at all. ...demand is no weaker than it was a year ago. If it’s that brought down inflation, how exactly did they do so?"

However at the and is impervious to evidence or argument.

#dogma #monetarist #ecb #bundesbank #interestrates #inflation

Last updated 1 year ago

Stiofán de Buitléir · @stiofi
80 followers · 1366 posts · Server

Albert Edwards of Société Générale gets the nature of current : "...I want to revisit a topic that goes straight to the hearts of both equity and bond investors, namely that the primary driver of this inflation cycle is soaring profit margins. Rather than calling this out as the primary cause of high inflation, central banks have instead chosen to focus on rising nominal wages as threatening to embed higher inflation – the so called ‘wage/price spiral’."

#idiocy #monetarist #inflation

Last updated 2 years ago

Stiofán de Buitléir · @stiofi
80 followers · 1279 posts · Server

Trying to fight inflation caused by opportunistic profiteering by means of interest rate rises is doomed to fail. Isabella Weber et al explain in this paper.

from above.

The only way (short of ) to control in the current context are price controls and .

#publicownership #inflation #democraticsocialism #capitalism #classwar #dogma #monetarist

Last updated 2 years ago

Stiofán de Buitléir · @stiofi
80 followers · 1279 posts · Server

Trying to fight inflation caused by opportunistic profiteering by means of interest rate rises is doomed to fail. Isabella Weber et al explain in this paper.

from above.

#capitalism #classwar #dogma #monetarist

Last updated 2 years ago

Stiofán de Buitléir · @stiofi
72 followers · 1161 posts · Server

The nearer term effects may well be that the doesn't raise interest rates further and thus further decrease the market value of longer-term bonds in general. Whether the monetarist dinosaurs at the also don't raise interest rates in the Eurozone is another question.

#dogma #monetarist #ecb #fed

Last updated 2 years ago

Stiofán de Buitléir · @stiofi
71 followers · 1104 posts · Server

The nearer term effects may well be that the doesn't raise interest rates further and thus further decrease the market value of longer-term bonds in general. Whether the monetarist dinosaurs at the also don't raise interests is another question.

#dogma #monetarist #ecb #fed

Last updated 2 years ago

Freakwater · @freakwater
44 followers · 1355 posts · Server

Q: 1879-1933

A: What are the years that the United States was on a true standard.

Only 22% the US’s existence. Furthermore, a full 25% of the gold standard years coincided with the Great Depression.

#gold #economics #finance #currency #crypto #Keynesian #monetarist #deflation #Inflation #fed #tariffs #Austrian

Last updated 4 years ago