We Need to Return to Healthier Social Networks
"Unfortunately, no social network is immune to hate because hate is part of everyday life. However, we can choose to have a purer social experience, where content is selected based on our interests and choices, not based on others' economic and political interests."
#Fediverse #HealthySocialNetworking #DigitalSocialization #BackToBasics #MonetizingHate #AlgorithmImpact #GenuineInteraction #DigitalPrivacy #TechInnovation #DivideEtImpera #Mastodon #SocialNetworks
#fediverse #healthysocialnetworking #digitalsocialization #backtobasics #monetizinghate #algorithmimpact #genuineinteraction #digitalprivacy #techinnovation #divideetimpera #mastodon #socialnetworks