Good point.

Mozilla may need to find another way to get access to the soon.

Or maybe next time opens up to the idea of receiving funds from people who know how to save, aka and monero people, maybe Mozilla will be less interested in listening to the on .

#moneyPrinter #mozilla #bitcoin #bots #twxtsite

Last updated 1 year ago

How about that !

Interview with Prof. about corporate and behind the , not the Ukraine proxy conflict.


"The future will be messy. It's going to be very complicated and messy, but I would argue that the process has already started. The world lost faith, lost trust in the global north during the pandemic."

#moneyPrinter #JayatiGhosh #profiteering #tillony #foodcrisis #inequality #rt #podcast #moneyPrinterGoDrr #covid #divest

Last updated 1 year ago

What's all this about ?

Do they mean or caused by using the then demanding interest?

Do bureaucrats ever draw a correlation between coupled with giving weapons to in foreign lands and the conditions that make people , or fall into the clutches of ?

#modernslavery #humantrafficking #slavery #bankers #moneyPrinter #sanctions #extremists #slaves #humantraffickers #ponziEconomics #inflationastheft #libya #venezuela #weaponsIndustry

Last updated 2 years ago

@Neil1808 @kbkorb @Npars01 @Clackable @stopgopfox

Aside from conspicuous consumption, , and its and given the surrounding value of infrastructure generally included in the of said land, minus market , is the only other thing that need be taxed.

Its well-reported that is a trick, perpetrated on the and , while the most connected hide wealth in (leaking) aided by a .

#land #ImprovedValue #marketprice #speculation #incometax #workingclass #middleclass #moneylaundering #stocks #moneyPrinter

Last updated 2 years ago

The are of course set to fail, but what is the pivot towards, and what are they taking away from us while blaming "" (and ) they instigated. We assert and are a scam. See their during .

The result: those who support the pivot to a neofeudal are rewarded by the . Those who resist are attacked and refused the cash infusion.

The challenge will be to die with ones soul.

#dotcons #inflation #misallocation #thefed #centralBanks #assetPurchases #covid #corporateState #moneyPrinter

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
350 followers · 6195 posts · Server mstdn.social

After all, the ROI of is falling since [originally slated as a -licensed Software!] is falling with every release, whilst and are literal |s in comparison.

Thus sooner or later Managers or major Shareholders in the Board will press for discontinuation of said one-time-purchase as others [Espechally & ] successfully shafted their customers into accepting this move.

#Atlassian #adobe #licenses #moneyPrinter #xbox #azure #subscription #windowsxp #Windows

Last updated 2 years ago

That's apparently why antitrust/#monopoly caveats were (quickly?) added to the definition on .

Western capitalism has failed really to do anything on , the first time it did was with M$haft but we now know that was simply to introduce a second to provide a veneer of .

Amzn, Ggle and Cflare are especially heinous beneficiaries of the , and/or ever lower .

Definately not a "".

See also .

#capitalism #antitrust #astroturf #competition #moneyPrinter #interestrates #freemarket #cantilloneffect

Last updated 3 years ago

That's great. Given the "exorbitant privilege" that comes from the , we should not beat ourselves over the head too much if beneficiaries of the moneyPrinter were the ones who produced this (finally).

It has been a 'long time coming', right?

@frumble @guenther


Last updated 3 years ago

They won't allow it to happen in the first place.

Their algorithm will identify who is trading and work against them. It knows how much money they have and so will use that knowledge against the attempted .

They and their friends with closer access to the will be allowed to remain solvant longer than a collective, grassroots movement under a fiatCurrency regime.


#mutualisation #moneyPrinter

Last updated 3 years ago

Yes, monoculture farmers, indeed, and probably spraying herbicides, pesticides and fungicides on anything that speaks out differently.

What we need are organic farmers that aim to syncronise to the environment around them.

Does writing a , pretty, virtuous make an *really* 20x more deserving of the ?

We say it doesn't.

Having said that, we believe its good to keep in contact with your govt rep.

@hamishcampbell @bhaugen @humanetech

#formulaic #grantProposal #ngo #moneyPrinter

Last updated 3 years ago

@velartrill @zleap @yogthos
Agree, the identityLeft are actually an indoctrinated, weaponised left that are not actually progressive but authoritarian and almost indistinguishable to the fascist corporateState.

Another term for them are . If you talk to them they actually think the is great and (the stealth tax) is actually good for them. These people are and . We saw them growing on () before GeorgeFloyd.

#UsefulIdiots #moneyPrinter #inflation #ignorant #economicallyIlliterate #minds #cloudflare

Last updated 3 years ago

How about that ?

Our economy is experiencing while Rome burns. Its probably fitting being everyone that we know who gets the vaccine seems to lose their energy and have growing difficulty with basic things.

These people seem to need to be placed in front of a screen increasingly.

#moneyPrinter #gamification #HowVeryKeynesian #financialisation #stayathome #thematrix

Last updated 3 years ago

What stops from making purchases on they control, assuming the ?

Is it just ethics or could they be waiting for something. For example, when is at its peak and there's a lot of peoples' on ?

Are they waiting for an order from to seize crypto on ? That is, an -style , but of rather than being taken?

Almost all exchanges are Cloudflare.

#cloudflare #cryptoExchanges #moneyPrinter #bitcoinadoption #savings #onlineExchanges #biden #exchanges #fdr #confiscation #bitcoin #gold

Last updated 3 years ago

Talk to . Science is not always what it says on the label.

If one thinks the tech they say is for is not going to benefit the totalitarians and then pay attention.

Thousands of weapons, have gone missing since 911. That's from a Report. is a .

Quoting an extreme does not justify expenditure.


#enviromentalist #DavidSuzuki #autonomousdrone #mars #corporateState #militarizedPolice #military #pentagon #spacex #militaryContactor #militaryBudget #nasa #spacerace #moneyPrinter

Last updated 3 years ago

No, cf are not whitehats, or blackhats. They are a product of and , and have no morals.

These folks protect what serves them.

@bohofromthegetgo @samuraikid @sourcex @YodaJediMaster @Yoda_Jedi_Master @Hitler@explosion.party @thegrandmaster @Hitler@neckbeard.xyz @Bumpkin@noagendasocial.com @QSourceX@noagendasocial.com @BrightStar @FreeThePlanet @QSourceX @theangel @WeFreeThePlanet @Agrandmaster

#wallstreet #moneyPrinter

Last updated 4 years ago

A guide to

0) Have mate who'll give you billions at (-)100% interest.
1) Give those billions to in exchange for a voice in their boardroom.
2) Look fabulous while telling them to do stuff that they'll have to do anyway but now they have your money.
3) Support .

- - -

A guide to .

0) Destroy their ,
1) Boycott, Divest, Sanction (),
2) Be the change,
3) Support (, , , )

#ActivistInvesting #banker #exxon #megaCorporations #ActualActivist #moneyPrinter #smallbusiness #organic #local #bds #SOLE #ethical

Last updated 4 years ago

If bitcoin's rise is bad for the ,

And is causing to rise,

Then maybe we need to stop the to save the environment? Or maybe bitcoin is using the that it needs to secure the base layer, the foundation of a that respects .

#environment #moneyPrinting #bitcoin #moneyPrinter #energy #neweconomy #limitstogrowth #fracking #realestate #moneyLosers #moneylaundering #LandTax #Georgism #ubi #wealthRedistribution

Last updated 4 years ago

That study is debunked.

Just one remark, "bitcoin miners are never turned off until they break", had us ROFLing.

The study, last year showed the network uses 17% of the energy used the boil kettles if everyone globally boiled kettles like a Briton.

Bitcoin scales each 14 days, with supply. When we switch off coal, gets easier.

You can't solve greed with tech… it solves theft by with a .

#DeVries #cambridgeuniversity #energyconsumption #bitcoinMining #oligarchs #moneyPrinter

Last updated 4 years ago

2/2… the money is created as but if the tacit intention of the elite is to NOT pay back the debt, then it is just by elites for elites.

It produces the , those closest to the , the mega , get the most benefit from the inflated money supply. As money is doled to the effects of the , ie. higher prices, manifest. Thus the people who get the money first enjoy the most benefit before prices rise.

#debt #moneyPrinting #cantilloneffect #moneyPrinter #corporations #the99Percent #inflation

Last updated 4 years ago

Agree, the is printing like crazy, and people lay like a starfish.

Its mostly the fault of . They know how to keep people bickering or at the very least, distracted.

#moneyPrinter #facebook #divideandrule

Last updated 4 years ago