We were meaning to write about this very , and how conveniently the clients in the "" (read: ) appear to be protected.

Ssshhh. Nothing to see hear.

(Apologies to followers for boosting a Turdsite post.)

#doublestandard #LittleBlackBook #sexualPredators #bigFinance #newyork #bankerCrimes #extortion #cia #mafia #jeffreyepstein #criminal #billgates #BillClinton #donaldtrump #moneyPrinterGoBrr

Last updated 2 years ago

And yet the so-called left cannot see that is actually bad for them.

#moneyPrinterGoBrr #HowVeryKeynesian #mmt #whyBitcoinCore

Last updated 3 years ago

Someone just shared, how being alive means we emit aerosols. So we must not be around others while they are alive. Or pass through an aera where others who have been alive, have been.

The is getting a bit too extreme, just do the quarantine and be done with it.

The other day someone said, "but the nursing homes with need to paying if we don't [allow ourselves to be experimented upon]".

We were like, "Have you not ***seen*** ?!"

#healthTheatre #insurancecompanies #moneyPrinterGoBrr

Last updated 3 years ago

Many ppl do not know who they are paying too, and importantly why.

It may as well be .

There are a host of that just need to '', and we mean that in many senses of the word — its not even funny.

Most are having their lowered now. The or even just understanding affairs is getting out of reach.

#economicRents #aMafia #grifters #stop #iq #magnacarta #local #xr #rentseekers #trusts #megamachine #corporatists #moneyPrinterGoBrr #bigProperty #construction #PropertyCouncil #land

Last updated 3 years ago

One cannot underestimate the extent to which the for , post the invention of .

(not finance advice, correlation doesn't always equal causation)

#moneyPrinterGoBrr #cloudflare #bitcoin #cyberattack #cyberthreat #cybersecurity #statedept #MICIMATT #blameItOnTheBitcoin #blameItOnTheSun

Last updated 3 years ago

Free as in we will and destroy all your savings until your morale improves. The is a literal war against people saving resources and energy.

They are putting the in .

See our #)GMSoy etc post, today (need we point to the , too).

We've seen in action so many damned times, we'll be damned if we don't seek an end to their abuse now.

#moneyPrinterGoBrr #warOnSavers #Arian #humanitarianaid #opioidcrisis #bigpharma #humanitarianKoolAid

Last updated 3 years ago

The middle east was becoming as progressive as the rest, then on Sun Aug 15, 1971 said, and we paraphrase, "we don't want to pay our debts that we accrue in (specifically ), may the ."

They printed money to pay debts.

It was supposed to be temporary.

Keep this in mind as the "" come forth from . These cretins have money to burn in your face, and blow it up your own ass.

#nixon #phonyWars #vietnam #moneyPrinterGoBrr #atrocityStories #afghanistan #plunder #dedevelopment #homeToRoost

Last updated 3 years ago

We are and the MoneyPrinters, circa 1913 we've been supporting and both sides of civil discords and war, one "neo-Nazi" at a time.

Its been fun to watch you all, now run along and fight amongst yourself some more.

#wallstreet #division #cloudflare #extremistProducer #cloudflareIsTheMalware #neonazi #christchurch #4chan #discord #8kun #stonks #moneyPrinterGoBrr #bitcoinfixesthis

Last updated 3 years ago

> Here at , we value your , but we produce software that makes you vulnerable. So collect $25 user.

Seriously? Who wants to try walking up to people on the street and asking them if, for $25 they would be willing to give you access to their .

Might be a fun idea. *wink

#zoom #privacy #videoCommunications #protest #security #moneyPrinterGoBrr #corporateState #celebrityEndorsed #malware #moneyPrinterGoMalware #childabuse #telecommunications #communication #videoconferencing

Last updated 3 years ago

BigTech: every idea that pops thy rectum forms part of the devine light of Christ. Thus Gods work is to print $40,000 to immortalise, and on thy rectal emissions.


#crapitalise #patents #rectalEmissions #moneyPrinterGoBrr

Last updated 3 years ago

The billionaires want us to look up at the stars…

…while they steal the land beneath us.


Last updated 3 years ago

So, 's supposed crackdown. Does anyone see anything actually useful in it, or it is just more ?

We heard of higher fees to engage in . Seems tone deaf though, in an era of

Also how to enforce not using data for gain?

Similarly with , letting them pay a fine after they reportedly knowingly lied about the of their , is atrocious.

#biden #bigtech #financialisation #mergers #moneyPrinterGoBrr #platform #purduepharma #addictiveness #opioids #ImprisonList #sacklerFamily

Last updated 3 years ago

All these good people not using and not supporting the , to extremist groups, , and wealthTransfer to

…you must be stopped, forthwith!

May the .

#usd #humantrafficking #weaponssales #assasinations #speculators #moneyPrinterGoBrr

Last updated 4 years ago

The wind sock at the local oval needs to be patched up a bit.

"Would you like a new grandstand with that?" said 's PM and Chief .

#football #australia #RealEstateSpruiker #moneyPrinterGoBrr #ScottyFromMarketing #hyperInflation #goldPlating #boondoggles

Last updated 4 years ago

PSA: It's great to see fewer people using the term "" to describe "".

1) there is nothing 'neo' about the corporatist,
2) if they were , meaning "leave it to the market" then why do they demand certainty and consistency, why deny the by bribing lawMakers with , and why also do they demand to boost their and ?

#neoliberal #corporatists #liberal #FreeMarketOfIdeas #politicalDonations #moneyPrinterGoBrr #stocks #bonds

Last updated 4 years ago