Here is an article written by and publisher .

Soon after writing this Assange's would be cut to the outside word, never to be restored even to this day. Please SHARE it far and wide.

Google is evil??? Always has been.

#journalist #julianassange #communications #google #alwaysHasBeen #corruption #moneyPrinterGoDrr #technofascism #suppression #chillingEffect #googleIsNotWhatItSeems

Last updated 1 year ago

How about that !

Interview with Prof. about corporate and behind the , not the Ukraine proxy conflict.

"The future will be messy. It's going to be very complicated and messy, but I would argue that the process has already started. The world lost faith, lost trust in the global north during the pandemic."

#moneyPrinter #JayatiGhosh #profiteering #tillony #foodcrisis #inequality #rt #podcast #moneyPrinterGoDrr #covid #divest

Last updated 1 year ago

"Moderna CEO made $400M last year—2,435X the median salary of employees"

Give a warm welcome to Evil, everybody.

#moderna #bigpharma #moneyPrinterGoDrr #EmergencyUse #covid #liquidityInjection #grifters #ImprisonList

Last updated 1 year ago

Fediverse appears to be replicating the worst elements of now, including enabling and empowering the .

It seems to be just replicating the worst elements of the systems, just in a way.

We suspect that the way to get to the heart of this issue is to ''. Where is money pouring into fedi and why? Why has Mastodon not taken long-time software thieves to task, but jumped on others?

#socialmedia #botFarms #closedSilo #decentralised #followthemoney #HellaDoge #corruption #moneyPrinterGoDrr #FediMeta

Last updated 1 year ago

@jeffcliff @admitsWrongIfProven
In a way, this is good. More people need to contribute to pseudoanonymously. Should also drive bitcoin and monero adoption.

We are tired of seeing good projects turn bad with the "aid" of some "funding".

#foss #moneyPrinterGoDrr

Last updated 1 year ago


Akin to the "I'm with stupid →" design that points to the left of the person, but instead it reads:

this →

#tshirt #tee #tshirtdesign #graphicdesign #fediart #FediDesign #bitcoinfixesthis #bitcoin #moneyPrinterGoDrr #imwithstupid

Last updated 2 years ago

There is much furore in about ex-PM subverting democratic processes during .

You could have gaslit us!

Australia, and generally, has **not** been a democracy for a while, but an autocracy. Funny how anyone who says this is classified a "conspiracy theorist".

#australia #scottmorrison #covid #OREALLY #theWest #ImprisonList #autocracy #jobkeeper #moneyPrinterGoDrr #bigpharma

Last updated 2 years ago · @gabriel
350 followers · 2124 posts · Server


Moneyprinter go brr you say?


Last updated 2 years ago

A lot of economics memes would be perfect if they had in the bottom corner.


Last updated 2 years ago

^^^ see above.

Meanwhile govt printing hundreds of thousands for employees that claim to have mythical symptoms of the mythical "Havana Syndrome". For those who don't know what it is see .

Basically a mental condition brought on by peer induced , from the fake .

The can't help being false.

#austrianSchool #statedept #massPsychogenicIllness #masshysteria #post2016 #russiagate #usa #FourthTurning #moneyPrinterGoDrr #grifters

Last updated 2 years ago

Is PaleMoon really *for using* Tor though?

Our understanding is it isn't. It should be accessible by Tor of course, but if you want to browser over Tor, use TorBrowser?

Browsers like LibreWolf, Pale Moon etc are more about having a more stable environment for other things that is not constantly trying to engineer new vulnerabilities contantly (we should say a very /#DarkMoney/#JeffreyEpstein-style).

That's . Every release is RussianRoulette.

@Mirk0dex @cy

#moneyPrinterGoDrr #firefox

Last updated 2 years ago

Putin just labelled the out of the as a "".

An Oof… to some.

One of our favourite books from the decade has to be '' (2016) by the late . It described how the obsession with was not only wrecking havok on 's and globally but also set to destroy our .

We talked about it extensively, but the only took a breather during .

#monetarySystem #usa #printingPress #GrowingForBroke #PeterNorth #gdpgrowth #australia #environment #economy #growthObsession #covid #bitcoinfixesthis #moneyPrinterGoDrr #putin

Last updated 3 years ago

Good to see the old advice is proving timeless.

Slight caveat, we don't like to denegrate all right-wing because many are understanding , /monero, and are against the abuse of the immigration system. Many have economic understanding of and don't like debtBased money. Many also want the dotCons broken up.

So we do find common ground, but yes a few are overboard with hate/racism/anti-UN obsessed etc.

@koherecoWatchdog @NatCor @rs1linuxtools

#assange #bitcoin #moneyPrinterGoDrr

Last updated 3 years ago

We are starting to get the impression that @torproject gave up on Fediverse because their are too many people here with an understanding of what they are have been and are doing.

Its reminds us of how after WWII, there were almost no skilled left.

#artists #moneyPrinterGoDrr #controlledopposition #rossulbricht #SirRossUlbricht

Last updated 3 years ago

Or by buying up the competition in the style of .



Last updated 3 years ago

We have been waiting for this correction.

Very patiently, but also vocally.

See and 'Brr' before that. The most telling sign that something was demented was having young adults ask, "Is it (Fediverse) on the stock market".

That's when we realised covid had messed up some folks.



Last updated 3 years ago

Govt is mandating that all old Zorro be destroyed for featuring 'Z' iconography.

People who trade in their old disks will get a free HDTV and copy of the revised films. Which uses the lastest in AI technology to digitally replace references to Zorro with Yorro.

That's our best of the day.


#dvds #zorro #Yorro #fakenews #Revisionist #memoryHole #environmentalVandalism #moneyPrinterGoDrr

Last updated 3 years ago