We need a return to saving… conserving, and finally we have a decentralised Bitcoin currency that can help us do that.

Finally a that rewards people who save, and who aren't consuming and speculating relentlessly with fresh cash from . Watch them try to bait-and-switch into .

We must foster where everyone has freedom to control how their works.

#deflationarycurrency #moneyPrinting #CentralBankDigitalCurrencies #generalcomputing #computer

Last updated 1 year ago

@empiricism @earthworm @hanscees @pvonhellermannn @matthewtoad43
Re: intentionally trying engineer weather/climate using .

It makes action more difficult.

An analogy is the effect of stimulus, QE or "increasing the balance sheet" (read: ). Some things just muddy signals needed to fix underlying problems, its intergenerational . Money acts as , as is here.

So is .

#stratosphericaerosolinjections #moneyPrinting #theft #pollution #sai #geoengineering #criminal

Last updated 1 year ago

@Rasp @billstclair
We should add a rather large caveat to what we wrote above.

In today's system, where the is the means of from the worker (plunder) it is almost impossible to achieve the above stated work environment.

The system that allows to protect politically connected corporations that are , means that the vast majority of are made made extinct.

#neocolonial #moneySupply #extraction #corporatist #moneyPrinting #tooBigToExist #smallholders #bitcoinfixesthis

Last updated 1 year ago

Rather, "our alleged leaders are **accelerating the rate of** inflicting unnecessary pain on us."

It is inevitable that we will pay more for things, a product of a number of factors, including the emerging of a world. Also, the extreme amount of during by all historical measures was one of the biggest stories of , and wealthTransfer to the rich, that we will see in our lifetime.

#multipolar #moneyPrinting #covid #theft

Last updated 1 year ago

AI is terrible, yes.

When we look at who are 'hosts' of the you'll see just how bad.

By comparison reduces in many areas. Bitcoin destroys . Almost any bitcoin users can attest to how bitcoin changed the way the see , including the that serves the greatest polluter on earth — the .


There're no free lunches,but also, people oft forget = a thing.


#ai #disservices #bitcoin #waste #consumerism #fiatCurrency #moneyPrinting #USMilitary #ev #peakoil #pollution

Last updated 1 year ago

AI is terrible, yes.

When we look at who are 'hosts' of the you'll see just how bad.

By comparison is reducing in many areas. Bitcoin destroys . Almost any bitcoin users can attest to how bitcoin changed the way the see , including the that serves the greatest polluter on earth — the .


There are no free lunches, but also, people oft forget = a thing.


#ai #disservices #bitcoin #waste #consumerism #fiatCurrency #moneyPrinting #USMilitary #ev #peakoil #pollution

Last updated 1 year ago

We personally welcome a more inline with .

We wish it *really* came in 2019 rather than years later but they just had to do that .

Russian President did not have any kind word about the in his recent address, we haven't heard a translation yet. The unequal way the payouts were dished out and those damned .

Both criminal, and cronyist.

#steadyStateEconomy #limitstogrowth #moneyPrinting #vladimirputin #moneyPump #pandemic #assetPurchases

Last updated 2 years ago

We need yesterday.

They keep papering over lower consumption cycles with , inequality ensues that makes things worse, not better.

Its mostly fueling and the cretins that some call "leaders" keep pandering to and the who should be in jail 14 years ago.

But as long as they keep us distracted, they'll keep finding new ways to destroy our while stealing.

#plannedDegrowth #moneyPrinting #inequality #consumption #bigFinance #merchantBanksters #environment

Last updated 3 years ago

You are not ready to know this, but imagine the cost of has averaged $400 over the past 10 years.

Since 2020 it has shot up to $1600+

If you are not enjoying the benefits of the you may die. Make sure you , savers, bitcoiners and secure for the extremely wealthy on the way out.

#fertiliser #moneyPrinting #blamerussia #taxbreaks #permacultureNow #warOnSavers #letThemEatTheRich #food #Foodprices #moneyPrinterGoDrr #centralBanking

Last updated 3 years ago

Yes, is a issue stemming from corrupt + .

Say "" to small towns in that are still close to their and still have a defendable . If being a is about a short distance maybe we need more of it, not less.

Vertical sprawl = delayed , just wait a generation.

We don't have democratically elected , we have a .

#speculation #fiat #moneyPrinting #rentseekers #nimbyism #europe #farmland #culture #nimby #farmToPlate #urbanSprawl #leaders #corporateState #stopTheLoop #useBitcoinCore #townhomes

Last updated 3 years ago

Hi Jeff,

It looks like they are just bringing everything under control via and buying up everything that moves.

Also they don't need a killswitch when most of is controlled by Cloudflare and other like Amazon and Microsoft etc, all they need to do is use the access they have and blame it on China.

Are you able to provide sources on your above though.

#dotcon #moneyPrinting #TheInternet #militaryContractors #moneyLosers #moneylaundering

Last updated 3 years ago

Don't forget antiCapitalist is only 'a thing' because we don't actually have capitalism anymore, the protections put in place to allow geniune capitalism were removed. We now have rigged , or .

Some say this is the end result of cap but that's not true.

It is the end result of so the current establishment can buyback their stocks to keep them growthy with speculation.

#capitalism #cronycapitalism #moneyPrinting #HowVeryKeynesian

Last updated 3 years ago

JobKeeper (in the ) is rebranded .

QE () is rebranded .

Bailouts are rebranded .

Keynesianism is rebranded .

Inflation is rebranded .

MoneyPrinting is . Its fine but only if everyone on earth gets their share (see ).

#usa #PPPLoans #QE #quantatativeEasing #bailouts #keynesianism #inflation #moneyPrinting #counterfeiting #ubi #complexityTheatre #australia

Last updated 3 years ago

Talkless :debian: :kde: · @Talkless
89 followers · 1197 posts · Server fosstodon.org

"The massive, bloated $3.5 billion spending bill has so much pork that fiscal hawks could eat it for weeks. One piece that hasn’t received much attention yet is a special journalism “tax credit” equal to 50% of the salary of each journalist—up to $50,000 per journalist annually.

Yes, that’s correct, your tax dollars would be paying 50% of the salary of many journalists, whether you like their reporting or not. "


#media #propaganda #usa #politics #moneyPrinting

Last updated 3 years ago

NFT and ETH are not hugely important in our view. But is. If you are an environmentalist and are against , can we suggest a video?

Search for "Bitcoin vs political power" by a person called Stephan. Its not long.

Then come back and we can discuss more if you like.

The ppl you work with might simply be willfully ignorant because they get first dibs on , dubbed the .

If you're passionate about peace and sustainability check that video.

#endlessGrowth #moneyPrinting #cantilloneffect #bitcoin

Last updated 3 years ago

Increase progressively more for that own a long of land, and or break them up.

Agree, but the big issue is that entities that are (#) tooBigToExist, still exist, and are close to the a billions in daily .

Look at right now they are reportedly going heavy on and the TooBigToExist.

Honestly, split America down the middle. Make choose which country they want to operate in.


#LandTax #kleptocrats #moneyPrinting #china #bigtech #blackrock #assetPurchases #thefed #neofeudalism

Last updated 3 years ago

This week made an interesting point about 's system.

Australia has an extreme number of outrageous designed to prop up and at the expense of . Rather than taper markets w lower or raising he posits is used to remove people from the economy.

It may sound conspiratorial, but judging by proposals we see a growing weaponisation of and .

#MaxKeiser #australia #hotelQuarantine #financialProducts #rentseekers #bankers #savers #moneyPrinting #interestrates #building #covid #mentalhealth

Last updated 3 years ago

Just sink a ship with on it and be the , and kleptocratic billionaire you want to see in the world…

…a world that you take private.

By the way that job you created sounds "vari" fash. Excellent. We didn't know you could invent bullshitJobs. Gold star. :P

#bankers #centralBanker #moneyPrinting #quantatativeEasing #assetPurchases #repoCrisis #liquidityInjection #fakeSellOrders #manipulatingInterestRates #highFrequencyTrading #super #thefed #titanic #fiatScams #fiatCurrency #Scamwatch

Last updated 3 years ago