@Rasp @billstclair
We should add a rather large caveat to what we wrote above.

In today's system, where the is the means of from the worker (plunder) it is almost impossible to achieve the above stated work environment.

The system that allows to protect politically connected corporations that are , means that the vast majority of are made made extinct.

#neocolonial #moneySupply #extraction #corporatist #moneyPrinting #tooBigToExist #smallholders #bitcoinfixesthis

Last updated 1 year ago

"I trust the to protect me from ."

You know that;
- still goes through ?,
- Australia's federal police (afp.gov.au) goes through ?,
- according to govt, "" by openly our media?,
- Social services (humanservices.gov.au) goes through ?
- Govt multiplied the by approx six times during , mostly benefitting the most wealthy?


#australian #government #scams #Medibank #amazon #cloudflare #facebookrefriendedaustralia #bribing #akamai #moneySupply #covid #auspol #afp #SocialServices

Last updated 2 years ago

"I trust the government to protect me from ."

You know that;
- Medibank still goes through Amazon?,
- Australia's police (AFP.gov.au) goes through ?,
- accordingly to a government leader, in 2021, ""?,
- Social services (humanservices.gov.au) goes through ?
- Govt multiplied the by approx six times during , mostly benefitting the most wealthy?


#australian #scams #federal #cloudflare #facebookrefriendedaustralia #akamai #moneySupply #covid #auspol #afp #SocialServices

Last updated 2 years ago

If GNUTaler is built on we're pleased we only namedropped it in a caveat, "some are suggesting Duniter and but we've not researched those."

Fiat is latin for "let it (their and abuse of power) be so".

Someone said above "money is power". Only partly right, control over is , and we've seen during the past two years how manipulate supply for self-gain and to hurt non-hedonist .

@jcast @kgerloff @rysiek @echo_pbreyer

#fiat #taler #corruption #moneySupply #power #kleptocrats #savers

Last updated 3 years ago

While we have control and surviellance of (including speech), there is no effective society.

Similar to . While we have monopoly, there is no effective .

(We've had centralised control of since 1913.)

#corporateState #society #monopoly #capitalism #moneySupply

Last updated 3 years ago


This inflation of the is not sustainable, so when came along, it served as a plausible excuse for the crash.

Our seem to be leading us lambs somewhere again. Be wary.

(See front page link and CC License below)

#moneySupply #coronavirus #abcnews

Last updated 4 years ago