Report: More Than 50 Virtual Currency Platform Operators Want to Join the Taiwan Market - About 52 virtual currency operators have shown interest in joining Taiwan’s financ... - #financialsupervisorycommission(fsc) #securitiesandfuturesbureau #moneylaundering #virtualcurrency #self-regulate #huanghouming #virtualasset #regulation
#regulation #virtualasset #huanghouming #self #virtualcurrency #moneylaundering #securitiesandfuturesbureau #financialsupervisorycommission
#Zelensky's billionaire backer jailed, now facing $13.5 million worth of #fraud and #MoneyLaundering charges
#zelensky #fraud #moneylaundering
🥥 The loss to #Trump of this public golf course in #NewYork from his portfolio must smart.
#GolfCourses, let us remember, are a nearly ideal venue not just for walks in the outdoors, but also for #MoneyLaundering.
So let us also not forget that money laundering was as essential to #Trump as being a pathological liar and absurdly overestimating himself. 🥥
#moneylaundering #golfcourses #NewYork #Trump
London Fintech Owner Accused of Facilitating Massive Drug Money Laundering via Crypto - A fintech owner in London is under scrutiny for allegedly assisting notorious drug traffi... - #moneylaundering #altcoinnews #fintech #london
#london #fintech #altcoinnews #moneylaundering
Tornado Cash Co-Founder Pleads Innocence Amidst Money Laundering and Hacking Scandal - On the 6th of September, 2023, the Inner City Press (ICP) delivered an account of ... - #u.s.departmentofjustice #blockchainknowledge #classifiedmaterials #washingtonresidence #travelrestrictions #federalindictment #pleadinginnocence #moneylaundering #cryptocurrency #innercitypress #allegations
#allegations #innercitypress #cryptocurrency #moneylaundering #pleadinginnocence #federalindictment #travelrestrictions #washingtonresidence #classifiedmaterials #blockchainknowledge #u
Major Singapore Banks Named in $740 Million Money-Laundering Scandal in Which Police Seized Millions in Crypto - Top local and international banks in Singapore have found themselves entangled in one of ... - #moneylaundering #blockchainnews #singapore #tether
#tether #singapore #blockchainnews #moneylaundering
Getting money into Russia via Bank of America and Deutsche Bank.
#Russia #Sanctions #Ukraine #MoneyLaundering
#russia #sanctions #ukraine #moneylaundering
DEA Duped: How a Crafty Crypto Scammer Outwitted the Agency and Made Off With $55K - In a revealing report published on August 24, 2023, a significant oversight by the... - #moneylaundering #cryptocurrency #hardwarewallet #u.s.marshals #transaction #blockchain #fraudster #oversight #recovery #binance #bitcoin #dusting #seizure #setback #forbes #tether #trezor #news #scam #usdt #btc
#btc #USDT #scam #news #trezor #tether #forbes #setback #seizure #dusting #bitcoin #binance #recovery #oversight #fraudster #blockchain #transaction #u #hardwarewallet #cryptocurrency #moneylaundering
@molly0xfff in general, #Banking in the #USA is just trash due to lack of #Regulation.
Whereas in #Germany, #Banks have to accept all legitimate transactions and are only allowed to widthhold or delay payouts based off #sanctions, #MoneyLaundering or actual seizures by courts.
And #SexWorkIsWork so they really ain't in a position to deny any deposits or withdrawals.
I really need to take a look which banks allow non-resident customers with just remote KYC & AML and not require in-person visits.
#sexworkiswork #moneylaundering #sanctions #Banks #Germany #regulation #USA #banking
Founders of Crypto Mixer Tornado Cash Accused of Laundering $1 Billion - The founders of the cryptocurrency mixing service Tornado Cash were charged Thursd... - #southerndistrictofnewyork #departmentofjustice #illicittransactions #northkoreanhackers #ethereumsidechain #dutchauthorities #sanctionsevasion #digitalcurrency #moneylaundering #cryptocurrency #damianwilliams #alexeypertsev #blockchain
#blockchain #alexeypertsev #damianwilliams #cryptocurrency #moneylaundering #digitalcurrency #sanctionsevasion #dutchauthorities #ethereumsidechain #northkoreanhackers #illicittransactions #departmentofjustice #southerndistrictofnewyork
Top 10 worst #pubs and #clubs in #NSW for #moneylaundering revealed as millions 'washed' through #pokies #nswpol #cash
#pubs #clubs #nsw #moneylaundering #pokies #nswpol #cash
Gizmodo: Feds Charge Tornado Cash Crypto Mixer Devs With Money Laundering #financialcrimesenforcementnetwork #usdepartmentofthetreasury #privatecurrencies #cryptocurrencies #moneylaundering #damianwilliams #alexeypertsev #romansemenov #tornadocash #usattorneys #romanstorm #lawcrime
#financialcrimesenforcementnetwork #usdepartmentofthetreasury #privatecurrencies #cryptocurrencies #moneylaundering #damianwilliams #alexeypertsev #romansemenov #tornadocash #usattorneys #romanstorm #lawcrime
Kenyan Residents Asked to Participate in a ‘Public Survey on Virtual Assets’ - Kenya residents who wish to shape their country’s policy towards the crypto ecosys... - #virtualassetsserviceproviders(vasps) #financialreportingcentre(frc) #virtualassetsecosystem #financialinnovations #consumerprotection #financialsystem #moneylaundering #africa
#africa #moneylaundering #financialsystem #consumerprotection #financialinnovations #virtualassetsecosystem #financialreportingcentre #virtualassetsserviceproviders
“Grabowski operated a webhosting company designed to facilitate ransomware, brute-force attacks, and phishing..$21.5M in criminal proceeds”
“The NetWalker ransomware was deployed on approximately 400 victim company networks, including municipalities, hospitals, law enforcement and emergency services, school districts, colleges, and universities, which resulted in the payment of more than 5,000 bitcoin in ransoms”
#cryptocurrency is #crime
#cryptocurrency #crime #moneylaundering #ransomware
The first thing to do would be to revive work that used to be done accounting for the "world discrepancy" something I can remember having a look at in the late 1980s. With regard to the #uk it looked odd to me in the 2000s that the #uk appeared have become a net debtor yet ran a surplus on investment income. Presumably the difference may have been due to #moneylaundering of some kind - which is of course can properly be included in #gdp just as trade in stolen goods would be!
"No comment"....
#MauiFire #JoeBiden #Ukraine #MoneyLaundering
#MauiFire #JoeBiden #ukraine #moneylaundering
US lawmakers urge White House to address North Korea's use of digital assets: Report - Senator Elizabeth Warren was part of a group of lawmakers who pus... - #moneylaundering #unitedstates #regulation #northkorea #government #law
#law #government #northkorea #regulation #unitedstates #moneylaundering
SecurityWeek: New York Couple Plead Guilty to Bitcoin Laundering #moneylaundering #Cybercrime #bitcoin
#moneylaundering #cybercrime #bitcoin
Tech Entrepreneur Ilya Lichtenstein Admits to Masterminding $4.5 Billion Bitcoin Heist - Tech entrepreneur Ilya Lichtensteind, a Russian-American citizen, has admitted to committ... - #moneylaundering #blockchainnews #bitfinex #bitcoin #hack
#hack #bitcoin #bitfinex #blockchainnews #moneylaundering
New York Man Admits to Billion-Dollar Bitcoin Hack From 2016, Pleads Guilty With Wife to Money Laundering - In an unexpected revelation, Ilya Lichtenstein, 35, confessed to being the origina... - #cryptocurrencywallet #departmentofjustice #ilyalichtenstein #lichtensteinhack #russianmiddlemen #moneylaundering #cryptoexchange #digitalassets #heathermorgan #theft
#theft #heathermorgan #digitalassets #cryptoexchange #moneylaundering #russianmiddlemen #lichtensteinhack #ilyalichtenstein #departmentofjustice #cryptocurrencywallet