Vaccino `Moneypox` la truffa nuovamente dietro l`angolo: prove sugli animali mostrano che il vaccino NON interrompe la trasmissione - eVenti Avversi #JYNNEOS #Moneypox #monkeypox #vaccinicovid #Vaccinovaiolodellescimmie #13agosto
#13agosto #Vaccinovaiolodellescimmie #vaccinicovid #monkeypox #moneypox #JYNNEOS
Blow me down with a feather!!
'Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency was funding research to identify treatments for monkeypox shortly before the virus began spreading in a global outbreak.' #Moneypox #Monkeypox
Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Harvey Risch about Monkeypox discuss monkeypox, Dr Risch saying it's a "nothing burger" and the only risk is in those heavily vaccinated 👀
It’s all bullsh*t.
#midterms #BillGatesGermGames #moneypox
Avec le Pr Antoine Flahault, nous faisons le point sur ce que l'on sait de la 'variole du singe' #MoneyPox
✅ Modes de transmission
✅ Prévention
✅ Symptômes
✅ Traitements