It seems their solution to the multiple crises, is to create a new crisis to take the attention away.
It will be interesting to know how much the people with a blue and yellow avatar have invested in the #warIndustry. For real.
#warIsGoodForBusiness #weaponsIndustry #moneyPrinterGoDrrr @kpeace @dianor
#warindustry #warisgoodforbusiness #weaponsIndustry #moneyprintergodrrr
We predicted #MastodonDevs were going to do it years ago, see #PopularityModel to see our intuition in full effect. #intuitivelyCorrectAlmostEverytime #prolific
#botFarms #socialMedia #misInfo #disInfo #exploreTab #exploreTimeline #mastodon #hostileTakeover #diaspora #zhitomirskiy #gased #sanFrancisco #fediverse #fediMeta #moneyPrinterContinues #moneyPrinterGoDrrr
#MastodonDevs #PopularityModel #intuitivelycorrectalmosteverytime #prolific #botFarms #socialmedia #misinfo #disinfo #exploretab #exploretimeline #mastodon #hostiletakeover #diaspora #zhitomirskiy #gased #sanfrancisco #fediverse #FediMeta #moneyprintercontinues #moneyprintergodrrr