Nenkod - Boîte à outils No Code
Associations ou particuliers vous avez un projet et êtes intéressés par le no/low code à petit budget. N'hésitez pas à me contacter j'ai des solutions pour vous.
- 20% si vous précisez venir du fediverse lorsque je vous recontacterai.
#timesaver #moneysaver #nocode #lowcode #pub
Sounds pretty #yummy. Have not tried making it yet.
#tomatoSoupCake #tomatoSoup #cake #tomato #soup #acid #thickener #bake #baking #baked #magicCake #magic #recipe #soupRecipe #cookbook #creamCheese #frosting #creamCheeseFrosting
#SylviaPlath #Depression #moneySaver #useWhatYouHave #innovate #innovation #substitute for #buttermilk
#Irish #NewEngland via @atlas
#yummy #tomatosoupcake #tomatosoup #cake #tomato #soup #acid #thickener #bake #baking #baked #magiccake #magic #recipe #souprecipe #cookbook #creamcheese #frosting #creamcheesefrosting #sylviaplath #Depression #moneysaver #usewhatyouhave #innovate #innovation #substitute #buttermilk #irish #newengland
Are you a coffee lover looking for ways to get the most out of your morning brew? Did you know that you can reuse coffee grounds? Find out how to make the most of your coffee grounds and save money! #CoffeeLover #CoffeeGrounds #Reuse #MoneySaver
#coffeelover #coffeegrounds #reuse #moneysaver
You can save electricity by using a Kochkiste
You can heat up the water you need to cook potatoes, vegetables, or grains on the stove or over an open flame and then place your pot into a Kochkiste
Works great to make Curd
Here are some examples of Kochkisten
#saveenergy #money #moneysaver
#moneysaver #money #saveenergy