Can a #conservation basic income - or more specifically, #community payments with no strings attached, benefit #biodiversity ?
Fantastic discussion from #mongabay bellow.
#conservation #community #biodiversity #mongabay #conservationbasicincome #socialecology
A really nice article by @ECAlberts in #mongabay about our Steller's sea cow and kelp paper. Thankful to see that we weren't hammered by the outside commentators for attempting to model nature 😁
A really nice article by @ECAlberts in #mongabay about our Steller's sea cow and kelp paper. Thankful to see that we weren't hammered by the outside commentators for attempting to model nature 😁
If you're interested in #sharks #fisheries #conservation, there's some news out of the #WCPFC recent meeting (the org that manages #tuna in the western & central Pacific, & also sorta sharks...but the latter not so well). They finally agreed to stop using a certain gear that really is for shark #fishing (wire leaders) but of course there was a pretty big loophole (if you're N or S of 20 deg latitude, it doesn't apply). Anyhoo, here is an article about it from #Mongabay:
#mongabay #fishing #tuna #wcpfc #conservation #fisheries #sharks
From the #mongabay podcast 'Escape into nature’s soundscapes': "Ecosystems are often noisy places [...] younger generations of people are often unaware of the decline in bird and bug population [...] and often therefore think that the current sights and sounds around them are the natural state of landscapes."
Sadly, this is something I clearly recognise when I look at my kids. :( #soundscapes #naturelover #futuregenerations #naturecrisis #natureconservation
#mongabay #soundscapes #naturelover #futuregenerations #naturecrisis #natureconservation
'Viable, just & necessary': Agroecology is a movement in Brazil.
#Agroecologia #Agroecology #Agroécologie #Agrarökologie #MST #FoodSovereignty #Agroforestry #Permaculture #Mongabay
#mongabay #permaculture #agroforestry #foodsovereignty #mst #agrarokologie #agroecologie #agroecology #agroecologia
Why fish are disappearing from Amazonian waters. #amazonia #amazon #climate #climatechange #foodsecurity #fishing #deforestation #threatenedspecies #mongabay #conservation
#amazonia #amazon #climate #climatechange #foodsecurity #fishing #deforestation #threatenedspecies #mongabay #conservation