Casa dolce casa di #SigneTorp [24 ORE Cultura, 2021]
Per esplorare diversi modi di abitare.
Per conoscere #case a cui non siamo solit3 pensare.
Per #viaggiare comodamente (restando sul divano) e partire per il #Canada, la #Germania, la #Cambogia, i #PaesiBassi, la #Tunisia, la #Mongolia, #NewYork, #Vanuatu, #Pechino e #Londra.
Dai 5 anni
#intercultura #interculturaconilibri #educazioneinterculturale #libri ##libriperlinfanzia #albiillustrati
#signetorp #case #viaggiare #canada #germania #Cambogia #PaesiBassi #tunisia #mongolia #newyork #vanuatu #pechino #londra #intercultura #interculturaconilibri #educazioneinterculturale #libri #libriperlinfanzia #albiillustrati
In occasione del 75esimo anniversario dell'indipendenza del paese, il Leader supremo #Kim Jong-un (#WPK|Juche) ha partecipato ad un'enorme parata militare. Alla festa sono presenti diverse delegazioni, tra cui quelle della #Russia e della #Cina. Il leader ha anche ricevuto gli auguri dalla #Mongolia, dal #Vietnam e da #Cuba.
#nordcorea #kim #wpk #russia #cina #mongolia #vietnam #cuba
On recent trip, noticed two instances of #Mongolia-n People's Republic imagery as pop iconography. Just added that observation to recent list of visible changes in #ulaanbaatar
Since leaving the birdsite as way to amplify new #Mongolia Focus blog posts, readership has declined significantly. I guess many of my readers are sticking with the bird.
I've set up an LI feed as an alternative to follow for new posts: but I will also continue to toot about new posts.
El Santo Padre visitó Mongolia, con algo menos de 1.500 católicos, en una gira que no descuidó a China y a Rusia, sus únicos dos países limítrofes.
“Le deseo a todo el pueblo {chino} lo mejor, que avance, que siempre progrese. Y deseo que los chinos sean buenos cristianos y buenos ciudadanos”, dijo Francisco ante representantes de diversos cleros. Las reticencias de Pekín son el mayor obstáculo a una visita papal a China.
@mundi For general information/analysis of contemporary #Mongolia as context for papal bucket list item, see HTTPS://
On 84th anniversary of #Germany's blitzkrieg assault on #Poland, analyzing links between start of #WorldWarII and state of #Russia's 18-month invasion of #Ukraine
Also: Latest on #UkraineCounterOffensive and #PopeFrancis trip to #Mongolia
#germany #poland #worldwarii #russia #ukraine #ukrainecounteroffensive #popefrancis #mongolia
Holy cow! The #Pope continues his "#Russian #imperialism is awesome tour", now in #Mongolia
#pope #russian #imperialism #mongolia
Good to see some attempt at city planning in creation of "IC Park" near final turnoff toward the airport in Yarmag.
#Ulaanbaatar #Mongolia
Mongolian breakfast: milk tea, boortsorg, urum
#cooking #international #breakfast #Mongolia
#cooking #international #breakfast #mongolia
Always makes me chuckle to drive by Korean logistics firm <KGB> on the way to #Ulaanbaatar airport. I guess that would be a safe option for shipping in a very particular way.
On this trip to #Mongolia, once again relieved (for prejudiced aesthetic reasons, primarily) that while some large pick-ups have appeared on roads, they are not numerous.
So this is where the for-pay cellular desk phones of old in Ulaanbaatar have gone? Painted red, hooked up to a directional cell antenna and car battery, and, presto!
Here, in a ger in the South Gobi.
Driving thru the Gobi in the dark: when you have to stop because the dusty is so thick the driver can't see... at least you know you're still following the car ahead of you!
One of the wonders of a visit to the Gobi is that the sky is soooooo big that you can sometimes see multiple weather systems. That is hard to capture in photographs, unfortunately, but imagine!