Batzorig Vaanchig / Mongolian Throat Singer - In Praise of Genghis Khan (The Kiffness Remix)
#mongolianthroatsinging #Caturday #genghiskhan #kiffness
@WalterShaub I'd certainly follow that! Or just tag them #FMWalt and people can filter. ;)
I'm obsessed with Ukrainian music and also #FolkMetal and similar, right now. Mongolian Throat Singing coupled with traditional instruments and metal. :) If that sounds like your possible cup of tea, check out the Hu Band. Yuve Yuve Yu and Wolf Totem are two I really love. :)
#mongolianthroatsinging #mongolianmetal #folkmetal #fmwalt
Paul Pena, who wrote the 1977 Steve Miller Band hit "Jet Airliner", was the first westerner to compete at the Khoomai Symposium throat singing competition in the Central Asian republic of Tuva.
He taught himself Tuvan by using English to Russian and Russian to Tuvan dictionaries.
Tuvans affectionately called him "Cher Shimjer" which means "earthquake."
@Gleng2 OMG you too! I am so glad I'm not the only one. I've been down rabbit holes for hours exploring #UkrainianMusic.
Currently also obsessed with #MongolianThroatSinging, mixed with traditional instruments and metal. :) Fist bump. I thought I might be the only one. :)
#mongolianthroatsinging #ukrainianmusic
OK, I'll have a go.
Looking for similar
#toblerone #mongolianthroatsinging #13thcenturyprovencalpoetry #parsonssteamturbines #disputesaroundthepeeragesact1958
Oh shit, I just discovered Viking Techno with Mongolian Throat Singing. Ummet Ozcan and his song Bifrost.
#newmusic #vikingtechno #mongolianthroatsinging
#newmusic #vikingtechno #mongolianthroatsinging #weirdoneoffhashtags