Bonus video: my very first #YouTube_Short! A funny juxtaposition that came to mind while rewatching old videos, you can tell the Meerkat Simulator video was from before I knew about Snowy! 😂
#Snowy #SnowyTheMeerkat #Snowy_the_Meerkat #SnowyTheWhiteMeerkat #Snowy_the_White_Meerkat #WhiteMeerkat #SnowWhiteTheMeerkat #Snow_White_the_Meerkat #MichaelJacksonTheMeerkat #Michael_Jackson_the_Meerkat #WorldMeerkatDay #World_Meerkat_Day #MeerkatDay #Meerkat_Day #AdelaideZoo #Adelaide_Zoo #ZoosSA #Zoos_SA #ZoosSouthAustralia #Zoos_South_Australia #MeerkatGame #Meerkat_Game #MeerkatSimulator #Meerkat_Simulator #Meerkat #Meerkats #SuricataSuricatta #Suricata_Suricatta #Suricate #Mongoose #Mongooses #Zoo #Animal #Animals #Adelaide #SouthAustralia #South_Australia #Vitiligo #Vitiligan #Vitiligans #Albino #Albinism #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers #MeerKab #Meer_Kab #Australian #Aussie #Australia #Neurodivergent #Leftist #LGBTQIA+
#kabbaway #kabba #kab #kabbidge #kabbidges #a_quirky_australian #gday_websurfers #meerkab #meer_kab #australian #aussie #australia #neurodivergent #leftist #lgbtqia #youtube_short #snowy #snowythemeerkat #snowy_the_meerkat #snowythewhitemeerkat #snowy_the_white_meerkat #whitemeerkat #snowwhitethemeerkat #snow_white_the_meerkat #michaeljacksonthemeerkat #michael_jackson_the_meerkat #worldmeerkatday #world_meerkat_day #meerkatday #meerkat_day #adelaidezoo #adelaide_zoo #zoossa #zoos_sa #zoossouthaustralia #zoos_south_australia #meerkatgame #meerkat_game #meerkatsimulator #meerkat_simulator #meerkat #meerkats #suricatasuricatta #suricata_suricatta #suricate #mongoose #mongooses #zoo #animal #animals #adelaide #southaustralia #south_australia #vitiligo #vitiligan #vitiligans #albino #albinism
Inside the complex and extremely violent world of warring mongooses
Banded #mongooses
have long been used as a model of animal cooperation. Now, researchers in #Uganda are starting to get to grips with the harsh realities of their long-running and bloody battles
#mongooses #uganda #mongoosenews
Hi! I have recently started as a Principal #Conservation Scientist at the Royal Society for Protection of Birds (UK). My #research aims to provide evidence to support conservation of international species, particularly in the UK Overseas Territories (#UKOTs). This is not only #birds but all #wildlife!
Previously I worked in #animalbehaviour and #evolutionary #ecology, particularly on #baboons and #mongooses.
#mongooses #baboons #ecology #evolutionary #animalbehaviour #wildlife #birds #UKOTs #research #conservation #introduction