Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Photography #Wildlife #Monifieth #BroughtyFerry #Angus #BuddonNess #BarryLinks #Birdstodon #Birds #Birding #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Dunnocks #Magpies #Lighthouses #Seaside #Cycling #UrbanWildlife #CityNature
#citynature #urbanwildlife #cycling #seaside #lighthouses #magpies #dunnocks #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birding #birds #birdstodon #barrylinks #buddonness #angus #broughtyferry #monifieth #wildlife #photography #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Photography #Countryside #Wildlife #Nature #Birds #Birding #Birdstodon #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Pigeons #WoodPigeons #Ducks #MallardDucks #Butterflies #Lepidoptery #Viaducts #RailwayHistory #UrbanNature #CityWildlife
#birdingphotography #citywildlife #urbannature #railwayhistory #viaducts #lepidoptery #butterflies #mallardducks #ducks #woodpigeons #pigeons #birdphotography #birdstodon #birding #birds #nature #wildlife #countryside #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Here's a #video from my husband from Saturday afternoon of a juvenile #dipper he saw in the #DightyBurn near our home in east #Dundee, #Scotland. The bird is perched on a rock in a fast moving river, looking around, preening itself, the wind ruffling its feathers. At the end it flies off. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Birds #Birding #Birdstodon #Photography #Videos #DipperBirds #Dippers #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Wildlife #Nature #CityWildlife #UrbanNature
#urbannature #citywildlife #nature #wildlife #birdingphotography #birdphotography #dippers #dipperbirds #videos #photography #birdstodon #birding #birds #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #dightyburn #dipper #video
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Photography #Photographs #Birdstodon #Birds #Birding #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Sparrows #Robins #RobinBirds #Chaffinches #Chaffinch #Rivers #Woods #Countryside #Nature #Wildlife #CityWildlife #UrbanNature
#urbannature #citywildlife #wildlife #nature #countryside #woods #rivers #chaffinch #chaffinches #robinbirds #robins #sparrows #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birding #birds #birdstodon #photographs #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Monifieth #BroughtyFerry #Angus #Birds #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Photography #Countryside #Nature #Wildlife #Rivers #Gulls #Butterflies #Flowers #Birdstodon #RedAdmirals #Magpies #UrbanWildlife #CityNature #Scotland
#citynature #urbanwildlife #magpies #redadmirals #birdstodon #flowers #butterflies #gulls #rivers #wildlife #nature #countryside #photography #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #birds #angus #broughtyferry #monifieth #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. These are just a few of many birds he saw today, both on his walk out and in the Dighty Burn wooded river valley. #Monifieth #BroughtyFerry #Angus #Countryside #Nature #Photographs #Rural #Birdstodon #Birds #Birding #BirdPhotographs #BirdingPhotographs #Sparrows #Gulls #JuvenileBirds #WoodPigeons #Viaducts #RailwayHistory #UrbanNature #CityWildlife
#citywildlife #urbannature #railwayhistory #viaducts #woodpigeons #juvenilebirds #gulls #sparrows #birdingphotographs #birdphotographs #birding #birds #birdstodon #rural #photographs #nature #countryside #angus #broughtyferry #monifieth #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Monifieth #BroughtyFerry #Angus #Photography #Photographs #Birds #Birding #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Trees #Flowers #Viaducts #Goldfinch #Goldfinches #Thrush #SongThrush #Thurshes #SongThrushes #Birdstodon #TreeStumps #Countryside #Nature #UrbanCountryside #Rural #RailwayHistory #ThrushBirds
#thrushbirds #railwayhistory #rural #urbancountryside #nature #countryside #treestumps #birdstodon #songthrushes #thurshes #songthrush #thrush #goldfinches #goldfinch #viaducts #flowers #trees #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birding #birds #photographs #photography #angus #broughtyferry #monifieth #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Scotland #Photography #Birds #Birding #Birdstodon #BirdingPhotography #BirdPhotography #Flowers #Rivers #Countryside #Nature #Wildlife #Water #YoungBirds #JuvenileBirds
#juvenilebirds #youngbirds #water #wildlife #nature #countryside #rivers #flowers #birdphotography #birdingphotography #birdstodon #birding #birds #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. The #birds weren't very visible on what was an extremely hot day here. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Scotland #Photography #Birds #Birdstodon #Birding #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Countryside #Wildlife #Ducks #Mallards #MallardDucks #RailwayHistory #Viaducts #Butterflies #Pigeons #WoodPigeons
#woodpigeons #pigeons #butterflies #viaducts #railwayhistory #mallardducks #mallards #ducks #wildlife #countryside #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birding #birdstodon #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #birds #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Photography #Countryside #Wildlife #Flowers #RailwayHistory #Viaducts #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Birds #Birding #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Birdstodon #Orchids #Whitethroats #Whitethroat #Blackbird #Blackbirds #Nature
#nature #blackbirds #blackbird #whitethroat #whitethroats #orchids #birdstodon #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birding #birds #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #viaducts #railwayhistory #flowers #wildlife #countryside #photography #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Photographs #Photography #Countryside #Wildlife #Birds #Birding #Birdstodon #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Lepidoptery #Moths #DipperBirds #Dippers #Viaducts #RailwayHistory #IndustrialHistory #IndustrialLandscape #Woods #RiverValley #Nature #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus
#angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #nature #rivervalley #woods #industriallandscape #industrialhistory #railwayhistory #viaducts #dippers #dipperbirds #moths #lepidoptery #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birdstodon #birding #birds #wildlife #countryside #photography #photographs #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. He took many photos, but I especially liked his ones of young #birds, of which these are some. #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #JuvenileBirds #YoungBirds #Birdstodon #Monifieth #BroughtyFerry #Angus #Robin #Robins #RobinBirds #Dipper #Dippers #DipperBirds #Starlings #StarlingBirds #Starling #Countryside #Wildlife #Nature #Photography
#photography #nature #wildlife #countryside #starling #starlingbirds #starlings #dipperbirds #dippers #dipper #robinbirds #robins #robin #angus #broughtyferry #monifieth #birdstodon #youngbirds #juvenilebirds #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #birds #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk in the wooded #river valley near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Flowers #Rivers #Woods #Birds #Broom #Hawthorn #Starlings #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #FlowerPhotography #FlowersPhotography #Countryside #Photography #Wildlife #Nature #Birdstodon
#birdstodon #nature #wildlife #photography #countryside #flowersphotography #flowerphotography #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #starlings #hawthorn #broom #birds #woods #rivers #flowers #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #river #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Photography #Countryside #Wildlife #Birds #Birding #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Mallards #MallardDucks #Ducks #Flowers #CrabApple #Blossom #Sparrows #RailwayHistory #Viaducts #Viaduct
#viaduct #viaducts #railwayhistory #sparrows #blossom #crabapple #flowers #ducks #mallardducks #mallards #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #birding #birds #wildlife #countryside #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #GreatTit #GreatTits #WildFlowers #WildGarlic #Garlic #Buttercup #Buttercups #WoodPigeon #WoodPigeons #Sparrow #Sparrows #Flowers #GardenFlowers #Countryside #Birds #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Photography #BirdsOfMastodon
#birdsofmastodon #photography #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #birds #countryside #gardenflowers #flowers #sparrows #sparrow #woodpigeons #WoodPigeon #buttercups #buttercup #garlic #WildGarlic #wildflowers #greattits #greattit #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Countryside #Photography #Photographs #Wildlife #Birds #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Hawthorn #Ducks #MallardDucks #Dippers #DipperBirds #RailwayHistory #Viaducts
#viaducts #railwayhistory #dipperbirds #dippers #mallardducks #ducks #hawthorn #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #birds #wildlife #photographs #photography #countryside #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some of my husband’s #photos from his Saturday afternoon walk in the wooded river valley near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Photography #Wildlife #Countryside #Butterfly #Butterflies #TortoiseshellButterfly #Chaffinch #Chaffinches #Bicycle #Bicycles #Bike #Bikes #Viaducts #RailwayHistory #Birding #BirdingPhotography #BirdPhotography #Scotland
#birdphotography #birdingphotography #birding #railwayhistory #viaducts #bikes #bike #bicycles #bicycle #chaffinches #chaffinch #tortoiseshellbutterfly #butterflies #butterfly #countryside #wildlife #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #photos
Some #photos from my husband’s Friday afternoon #walk in the #wooded #river valley near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Monifieth #BroughtyFerry #Angus #Birds #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Wren #Wrens #Ducks #Merganser #CommonMerganser #Viaducts #RailwayHistory #Spooky #Countryside #SpookyLandscape #Landscape
#landscape #spookylandscape #countryside #spooky #railwayhistory #viaducts #commonmerganser #merganser #ducks #wrens #wren #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #birds #angus #broughtyferry #monifieth #scotland #dundee #river #wooded #walk #photos
First #haircut for 11 months, and huge thanks to a kind and caring #hairdresser who wore a #mask to protect severely #immunosuppressed me. I’m back to my long term short bob, which is quite a change after 3 years of long #hair, as I avoid haircuts due to the #covid #infection risk. But cool! And easy to look after. I do intend to grow it long again though before another cut in 9-12 months or so. But yup, cut now. Great chat too. Mucho thanks Sam. #Monifieth #Dundee #Angus #Scotland #hairdressers
#hairdressers #scotland #angus #dundee #monifieth #infection #COVID #hair #immunosuppressed #mask #hairdresser #haircut
Some #photos from my husband’s Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Photography #Birds #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Sparrows #DipperBirds #Dippers #CollaredDoves #Doves #Flowers #Wildflowers #Countryside
#countryside #wildflowers #flowers #doves #collareddoves #dippers #dipperbirds #sparrows #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #birds #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos