Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1560 followers · 4690 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1557 followers · 4668 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1554 followers · 4624 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1538 followers · 4563 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Life is Tetris · @tetrislife
43 followers · 1348 posts · Server qoto.org

@strypey the one best way is termed , I believe, and is historically a fallout of

#monotheism #monism

Last updated 1 year ago

Daphne | khthoniaa :pinkmoon: · @khthoniaa
1093 followers · 757 posts · Server pagan.plus

Monism and monotheism are not synonymous, though they can and often do overlap.

Monotheism, as most of us know, is the belief in One God. Monotheistic religions may feature other spiritual beings, either created by or separate from the One God, but there are no other Deities.

Monism, on the other hand, is the belief that there is no distinction between the Divine and everything else; all is One. There is no you or me, us or them: We're all part of the same system.

Now, I'm sure you can see how easily monotheism and monism can complement each other. But what about polytheism? Are monism and polytheism incompatible?

Nope! And here's why:

A common example to understand monism is to imagine your body. Take a look at or think about your hand. Now take a look at or think about your foot. Your hand is not your foot, and your foot is not your hand; both body parts serve very different functions and have different appearances. If you were to magically swap your hand with your foot, going about your day would suddenly be a lot more difficult.

Now, let's expand on this idea. Where does your hand end and "you" begin or where do "you" end and your hand begins? There isn't a distinction! Your hand is a part of you! You and your hand are made of the same cells and atoms. But are you your hand? No! You are the sum of all your parts: Your hands, feet, limbs, trunk, organs, blood, hair, brain, thoughts, personality, etc. All these parts combine to make "you." And even if you had to remove some of these parts, you're still "you."

In Monism, we (people, animals, plants, spirits, Gods, etc.) are like the different parts of One Body. The Gods are like the major organs and large body parts, like the head/brain, heart, and liver. Spirits are like the lesser organs and smaller body parts, like our fingers and toes. And we, humans, are like the little cells in the body.

We're all created from the same Source and Substance, and together we are Whole. The only distinction between us and the Divine are the forms and functions that we take on. And those forms and functions can change over time.

In the reconstruction of the Orphic Mysteries, I refer to the One Body as Phanes (and sometimes Zeus.) But within Phanes are countless other Gods: Zeus is the Head, the Intellect that guides the system, Aphrodite (or Eros) is the Heart and Reproductive Organs, the universal Love that permeates reality and drives creatures to continue creating, Hermes is the Throat and Vocal Chords, interpreting and communicating the Word, and so on. Also within Phanes is humanity and all of reality. My relationship to Phanes is congruent to one of my cell's relationship to my entire physical, mental, and spiritual being.

Monotheism = One God

Polytheism = Multiple Gods

Monism = One Whole

Polytheistic Monism = One Substance, One "Body" Made of Many Gods and other beings who possess different forms and fulfill different functions.

@pagan @religion @theology

#theology #religion #polytheism #monism #Pagan #paganism #spiritual #spirituality

Last updated 1 year ago

© · @coryniday
87 followers · 426 posts · Server mstdn.social

Advaita Vedanta (/ʌdˈvaɪtə vɛˈdɑːntə/; Sanskrit: अद्वैत वेदान्त, is a , a of and , and the oldest of the Hindu school . The term (literally "non-secondness", but usually rendered as "",and often equated with ) refers to the idea that alone is ultimately real, while the phenomenal world is an illusory appearance () of Brahman.

#AdvaitaVedanta #maya #transient #brahman #monism #nondualism #advaita #vedanta #orthodox #tradition #extant #experience #discipline #spiritual #path #SADHANA #hindu

Last updated 1 year ago

© · @coryniday
89 followers · 435 posts · Server mstdn.social

(/ʌdˈvaɪtə vɛˈdɑːntə/; Sanskrit: अद्वैत वेदान्त, is a , a of and , and the oldest of the Hindu school . The term (literally "non-secondness", but usually rendered as "",and often equated with ) refers to the idea that alone is ultimately real, while the phenomenal world is an illusory appearance () of Brahman.


#AdvaitaVedanta #maya #transient #brahman #monism #nondualism #advaita #vedanta #orthodox #tradition #extant #experience #discipline #spiritual #path #SADHANA #hindu

Last updated 1 year ago

Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1446 followers · 4219 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Sampath Pāṇini ® ✅ · @paninid
597 followers · 4879 posts · Server mastodon.world
Sampath Pāṇini ® ✅ · @paninid
597 followers · 4879 posts · Server mastodon.world
Sampath Pāṇini ® ✅ · @paninid
590 followers · 4739 posts · Server mastodon.world

“The experience of money, in its possession and circulation, in the abstractness and impersonality of its value, etc., incites monistic thoughts.”


#monism #nonduality #advaita #Neoplatonism #emanations #mind #money

Last updated 1 year ago

Ozuthoth · @ozuthoth
4 followers · 82 posts · Server mastodon.world
Michael Driver · @mdmichaeldriver
3 followers · 16 posts · Server me.dm

There are many tyrannies if we admit their power, none if we wring life dry of evidence. But is an exceedingly difficult sight to maintain.


Last updated 1 year ago

Philo Sophies · @philosophies
3 followers · 44 posts · Server mastodontech.de

A look through the glasses

The "Consciousness Debate" or the "Unified Field Theory"

A new paint job for the science building ?

Guest contribution by Christian Bührig from the scientific blog “Akademie Olympia”:
"Thoughts on the Consciousness Debate"

More at: philosophies.de/index.php/2021

There is an orange translation button „Translate>>“ for English in the lower left corner!

#materialistic #monism

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Driver · @mdmichaeldriver
1 followers · 4 posts · Server me.dm

We have sense to realize that problems have reasons and seek them out to cure ignorance. But we are blinded by pain that pulls us back into the maw of unreason and there stew in renewed ignorance, sure that it must be real if it hurts so much.

#samsara #advaita #monism

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Driver · @mdmichaeldriver
1 followers · 3 posts · Server me.dm

The end is not so far off if we know it as the beginning. And if the beginning is the end, we are already there but haven’t noticed yet. That is the problem: the middle that doesn’t exist but that engulfs us anyway.


#samsara #advaita #monism #life

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Driver · @mdmichaeldriver
0 followers · 2 posts · Server me.dm

More questions than answers. A start long, long ago. Possibilities come and go. Then one sticks. And another and another. At first, questions matter more than answers because questions are from within. It is only when answers are also from within that they begin to matter.

#samsara #monism #advaita

Last updated 1 year ago

Tucker Teague · @tuckerteague
1139 followers · 1451 posts · Server mastodon.social

Why More Physicists Are Starting to Think Space and Time Are ‘Illusions’

A fascinating read, and one that sparks my imagination in “religious” ways as well as scientific.


#science #monism #quantummechanics #relativity #stringtheory #spacetime #entanglement

Last updated 2 years ago

@saljyns @philosophy

that this kind of picture [ used to illustrate / ] is being widespread across and times, is referred to in 's "Bayle's Case for Spinoza" (PAS, vol. 88), citing the early secretary and later orient traveller :
"Various Indian and Persian
philosophers, Bernier observes, 'will palm you off with fine
comparisons and say that God is like an immense ocean, in
which many vials, full of water, move; that those vials, wherever
they should go, would always be in the same ocean, in the same
water; and that if they should break, the waters contained in
them would then be united to their whole, to that ocean of which
they are portions'."(p.262)

#monism #cultures #GenevièveBrykman #Gassendi #FrancoisBernier #immanentism

Last updated 2 years ago