Quick plug for someplace cool: On my recent trip to , I had the time to visit the Monk Bar Model Store, and I highly recommend it. If you're a model builder with the opportunity give it a visit. Located in a really cool area of one of the world's most interesting cities, with a great selection and helpful, friendly staff. πŸ‘πŸ‘

#monkbar #modelkits #Airfix #hobbyshop #buylocal #york

Last updated 1 year ago

Went to with my friend's mom.

I always like to joke that if she was 15 years younger, I would marry her. We get along so well.

Moving from Japan, she and her son lived in the SF Bay Area for 30 years, which is where I met them.

Now we are all in Japan.

#kyoto #monkbar #bozubar

Last updated 5 years ago