Du gros stoner de headbanger ?
Aller !
Désolé, pas trouvé en version bandcamp...
Monkey3 avec John Garcia (membre fondateur de Kyuss*) - Watchin' You
#stoner #monkey3 #kuyss #pouetradio
The same game gave me an other interesting related memorie for this #LucasArtsMonth. More or less at the same time that #Monkey3 arraive I heard about #3DPrinters. As Guybrush has now a 3D model I wonder to print one to have it in my colection... It has passed many years from that and now the ministure 3D printing is a reality but in those days was mor like science fiction fron my imagination.
#lucasartsmonth #monkey3 #3DPrinters
This are not exactly a #LucasArtsMonth memory, but they are hardly related with #Monkey3. I was so exited with this new monkey game arrival that I start wondering to work as a videogame tester just for the posibility of playing it before it cames to the public. This profession becames my wonder profession for many years in my chilhood and all began with Guybrush and his adventures.
Bon cette timeline manque de cover de Pink Floyd du temps qu'ils faisaient de la musique inspirée et pas du business.
Monkey3 "One of these days"
Oui je sais trolldi c'est demain !
#monkey3 #pinkfloyd #rock #musique
@radiant love Icarus too, it's a bit of a shame though that their albums always have one amazing song and then the rest of the albums can never hold my attention. Personally I prefer #LongDistanceCalling, who #Monkey3 are sometimes compared to 🙂
This. Song. Is. So. So. Sooooooooooo...good!
Done and played by #Monkey3, a band from #Switzerland by the way, this song just has everything (except vocals, it's purely #instrumental). Called #Icarus, it really feels like being carried through his burdens. What a monument of a song. And also a fantastic #longtrack.
Even if you don't like #psychedelicrock or #stoner , you NEED to give it a listen!
#stoner #psychedelicrock #longtrack #icarus #instrumental #switzerland #monkey3
#hongkong #kong #hong #kong #king #King #Kong #Monkey yyyyy yyy y yyy yyyyyy yyy yy yyy yyy yy y y y y y yy :D #asia #japa paja #ja #pa #ne #pa #se :D #monkey3 #three #monkeys this is so insane! #SAVE #YOUR #SANITY - #DONT #LISTEN this #MUSIC with #POOR #ART #FREE OR 3 #bandcamp #odicforcesounds #follow https://odicforcesounds.bandcamp.com/track/save-your-sanity-dont-listen
#hongkong #kong #hong #king #monkey #asia #japa #ja #pa #ne #se #monkey3 #three #monkeys #save #your #sanity #dont #listen #music #poor #art #free #bandcamp #odicforcesounds #follow
Bon bha pour les gens qui ne connaissent pas ce morceau ... Icarus par MonkeY3 ...
Je le pouet de temps en temps pour rappel.
Je viens de l'écouter chez un ami qui a THE sound system ultime ! (ensemble convertisseurs numérique > analogique au mégatop et enceintes d'audiophile)
J'ai tripé un max !
(Il n'est pas free sur le Bandcamp https://monkey-3.bandcamp.com/album/the-5th-sun )
#pouetradio #musique #soundcheck #MonkeY3
#monkey3 #soundcheck #musique #pouetradio
25ter 19:45 #Monkey3 bei #ArteConcert at #Hellfest im Livestream
#hellfest #arteconcert #monkey3
Die #eclipsed hat mal geschrieben dass #Monkey3 und #LongDistanceCalling ähnlich wären und #LDC bei Monkey3 abschauen würde.
1. Wtf weder sehe ich das Abschauen noch finde ich die sehr ähnlich
2. Suggeriert das, dass LDC ein Abklatsch wäre und Monkey3 besser.
Hier widerspreche ich. LDC finde ich nachhaltiger, den Alben kann man gut komplett zuhören, während Monkey3 immer einen Hammer-Opener haben und die Tracks danach nachlassen. Ein Album voll mit Ersten-Albumtracks von Monkey3, das wäre was.
#eclipsed #monkey3 #longdistancecalling #ldc
Le top 15 de Gus (2019)
Oui d'accord, je suis un peu à la bourre. Mais en même temps, c'était assez dur de classer tout ça, donc ça a beaucoup bougé. Et puis il fallait bien que je vous dise autre chose que
#articles #blog #chroniques #devintownsend #eclipse #ELECTRICMARY #FIREFROMTHEGODS #korn #LESSALESMAJESTES #metal #monkey3 #rammstein #rock #RPWL #SKRAECKOEDLAN #slipknot #sum41 #SWANVALLEYHEIGHTS #thehu #yearofthegoat
Le nouvel album «Sphere» de #Monkey3 me reconfirme que ce groupe est l’un de mes préférés.
52 minutes de claque sonore,
un vrai plaisir !
🎶 https://combine.fm/spotify/album/1bUQOPmwTrf80w3HoHhCdW
@Alias Tu l’as écouté ?