Goeiemorgen, maak er een fijne dag van. Niet te lang op je mobieltje, want je krijgt er mogelijk een '#brokkelbrein' van, zo lees ik vanmorgen. Mooi woord, ik kende alleen '#monkeymind' .
here are 7 paintings on paper I made with monkey in the title
#ComicbookAds #mastodonArt #deconstructedText #art #painting #collage #MixedMedia #graffiti #MastoArt #MonkeyMind
7 results found for "monkey" https://speedpastespecial.com/search?q=monkey
#monkeymind #MastoArt #Graffiti #mixedmedia #Collage #Painting #Art #deconstructedtext #mastodonart #comicbookads
I've had three great, focused days of #DeepWork this week...
...but I can't sustain that pace every day! My attention is very hard to corral today. #ChasingRabbits #MonkeyMind
#deepwork #chasingrabbits #monkeymind
- good sleep
- bad sleep
- over slept (kids, never us)
- under slept a.k.a. #insomnia a.k.a. #overtime a.k.a. extra innings a.k.a. #monkeymind a.k.a #7daysaweek
- performative sleeping - when you're wide awake but stay in bed on your phone because the slumber party is knocked out in the living room
#7daysaweek #monkeymind #overtime #insomnia #parents #sleep
a 2022 highlight:
@offmaingallery4 show in Wellfleet MA with @amysolomon_studio
#graffiti #comics #speedpasterobot #painting #monkeymind #textpainting #ComicbookAds #deconstructedText #art #collage #MixedMedia
#mixedmedia #Collage #Art #deconstructedtext #comicbookads #textpainting #monkeymind #Painting #speedpasterobot #Comics #Graffiti
a 2022 highlight:
my stop motion animations included in this exhibit in Sarajevo
#graffiti #comics #speedpasterobot #painting #gnarly #monkeymind #hystericontologic #textpainting #franzkafka #gregorsamsa #metamorphosis #speedpaste #squeeek
#squeeek #speedpaste #metamorphosis #gregorsamsa #franzkafka #textpainting #hystericontologic #monkeymind #gnarly #Painting #speedpasterobot #Comics #Graffiti
A spectacular run of good weeks, was always going to end in a down day. Which consisted of my #MonkeyMind trying to take over - akin to having a hundred browser tabs open in your head and having them all crash spectacularly. A bit of #Meditation quietened it. Tomorrow's a new day though and I'm up for the climb. 🙂
FTR I still haven’t made it to the end of that WaPo article I shared an hour or so ago
IMAGE: "The Kal Niranjan" (Lord of Time, Death and Illusion, the Gnostic Demiurge, Universal Collective Mind/Ego of the Cosmos). For more see, The Anurag Sagar: https://tinyurl.com/274qdl8
#gnostic #demiurge #kal #kalniranjan #mani #manichaean #manichaeanism #manichaeans #kabir #gurukabir #santdharamdas #dharamdas #gnosticgospels #gnosticgospel #india #scriptures #sants #SantMat #Radhasoami #AnuragSagar #OceanOfLove #monkeymind #ego #acourseinmiracles #meditation #spirituality #pathofthemasters
#manichaeans #kabir #gurukabir #scriptures #gnostic #demiurge #kal #kalniranjan #mani #manichaean #manichaeanism #santdharamdas #dharamdas #gnosticgospels #gnosticgospel #india #sants #santmat #radhasoami #anuragsagar #oceanoflove #monkeymind #ego #acourseinmiracles #meditation #spirituality #pathofthemasters