RT @Vaccinologist: Very useful document from the @ECDC_EU providing guidance on #infection prevention and control (IPC) measures for primary & acute #healthcare settings to prevent healthcare-associated transmission of #monkeypox #MPX #monkeypoxvirus #monkeypoxoutbreak https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications-data/monkeypox-infection-prevention-and-control-guidance-primary-and-acute-care
#infection #healthcare #monkeypox #MPX #MonkeypoxVirus #monkeypoxoutbreak
Nothing happens by chance, as the world is being managed by a small number of global elite who have appointed themselves our masters.
#globalistelite #monkeypoxoutbreak
Nothing happens by chance, as the world is being managed by a small number of global elite who have appointed themselves our masters.
#globalistelite #monkeypoxoutbreak
Nothing happens by chance, as the world is being managed by a small number of global elite who have appointed themselves our masters.
#globalistelite #monkeypoxoutbreak