#MoundMonday #PhotoMonday #MonksMound #Cahokia
#Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site 1,600 ha 120 mounds
The largest earthen monument north of #Mesoamerica
#PhotoGallery http://www.jqjacobs.net/archaeo/cahokia.html
#GeoLocation 38.6598, -90.0622
Latitude tangent equals four fifths
#Mississippian #Archaeology #Earthworks #Photography #FallColors
UNESCO https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/198/
#moundmonday #Photomonday #monksmound #Cahokia #Mesoamerica #photogallery #geolocation #mississippian #archaeology #earthworks #photography #fallcolors
More #MoundMonday
Some of the largest mounds in the world are accurately placed at significant latitudes. I first noticed the largest-in-volume #prehistoric earthen construction in the Americas, #MonksMound, #Cahokia, #latitude tangent = 4/5.
Ancient Monument Latitudes Evidence Accurate #Astronomy
"Monument placement at latitudes where small rational numbers describe the local geometric relationship to celestial motions has astronomical utility."
#moundmonday #prehistoric #monksmound #Cahokia #latitude #astronomy