Polt (from #MonMusu) got a new way to make you exercice a lot & feeling good at the same time, Win-Win ! :P
I'm starting to get enough doodles in POV style to make a new series, but this time I would like to add some characters I like from different things ^^.
After an unfortunate blunder on the part of overseas postal services, the last Suu plush commission I made was lost in the mail. The first time an order has ever been lost in the mail after more than 10 years of mailing commissions too. So, a replacement Suu was made! Just as gooey as the last!
Suu is a commission for Matt!
#suu #monstermussume #monmusu #plush #plushie #doll #fanart #custom #commission #anime #manga #monstergirl #MastoArt
#MastoArt #monstergirl #manga #anime #commission #custom #FanArt #doll #plushie #plush #monmusu #monstermussume #suu
This is Papi from the Monster Musume series! Long time fans may remember the 6 inch Papi I previously made, but this time she's back in a hearty 8 inch tall form! They say if you dream about hawks on the first night of the new year, it's good luck. I don't know if that applies to harpies exactly, but we can certainly try to dream of Papi anyway!
Papi is a commission for Zje!
#papi #monstermusume #monstergirl #harpy #plush #plushie #doll #fanart #monmusu #anime #manga
#manga #anime #monmusu #FanArt #doll #plushie #plush #harpy #monstergirl #monstermusume #papi
It's getting gooby and splorchy in here.
This is Suu, the slime girl from Monster Musume! Long time followers may recognize that this is the third Suu plush I've made! Not quite enough to get into the Cerea VS. Peacock race, but still a respectable amount!
Suu is a commission for K!
#suu #monstermusume #monmusu #fanart #plush #plushie #stuffed #doll #chibi # slimegirl #MastoArt
#MastoArt #chibi #doll #stuffed #plushie #plush #FanArt #monmusu #monstermusume #suu
Old animation, thing are happening I'm just lazy taking photos, aiming jan 25th +-3 for painting patch 3
#monstergirl #loli #papi #harpy #monmusu #egglaying #hentai #gif #animated #animation
#monstergirl #loli #papi #harpy #monmusu #egglaying #hentai #gif #animated #animation
Old animation, thing are happening I'm just lazy taking photos, aiming jan 25th +-3 for painting patch 3
#monstergirl #loli #papi #harpy #monmusu #egglaying #hentai #gif #animated #animation
#monstergirl #loli #papi #harpy #monmusu #egglaying #hentai #gif #animated #animation
This is Meroune Lorelei from Monster Musume! With her I have officially plushed the entire main cast of MonMusu!!
Mero is a commission for Brad on Etsy!
Want to commission a plushie 👉http://tinyurl.com/ultrapancake
#MerouneLorelei #MonsterMusume #monmusu #anime #plush #fanart #mero
#mero #FanArt #plush #anime #monmusu #monstermusume #merounelorelei