Nieuw type ster geeft aanwijzingen voor mysterieuze oorsprong van magnetars
Magnetars zijn de sterkste magneten in het heelal. Deze superdichte dode sterren met ultrasterke magnetische velden zijn overal in ons sterrenstelsel te vinden, maar astronomen weten niet precies hoe ze ontstaan.
#wolfrayet #monoceros #magnetar #heliumster #hd45166
#SkyWatch #Astrophotography #NGC2264 is part of the #Monoceros region of the Milky Way and contains 4 nebulae that are between 2300 and 2700 light years from Earth:. The #ConeNebula is on the far left. The #ChristmasTreeNebula looks like it is lying on its side with the Cone at its top,. The #SnowflakeNebula is bluish white. And the #FoxFurNebula is on the far right. This image is 17 three minute exposures that I captured Friday night stacked with calibration frames. #StillLearning
#skywatch #astrophotography #ngc2264 #monoceros #conenebula #christmastreenebula #snowflakenebula #foxfurnebula #stilllearning
The Seagull Nebula, in the constellation Monoceros.
Only a few hours to get this shot in last night as we're pretty late in the season now. I got 2h 52m worth of time before it set below my neighbor's trees in the South West. I kinda wish I'd spent more time framing up Thor's Helmet a bit better, but I was worried that I'd push the Seagull too close to the outside and start getting coma on it, too.
#astrophotography #monoceros #eosrp #ioptron #skyguiderpro #radian61 #lifepixel
#astrophotography #monoceros #eosrp #ioptron #skyguiderpro #radian61 #lifepixel
The #Cone #Nebula, or a black, veiled #madonna, #mother of #stars 2,500 light-years from Earth in the #Monoceros #constellation.
An #awe of an image released by #EuropeanSouthernObservatory to celebrate the 60th #anniversary of the Very Large #Telescope.
#cone #nebula #mother #stars #monoceros #constellation #awe #europeansouthernobservatory #anniversary #telescope #astronomy #Astrodon #universe #eso #vlt #madonna
#ragnanorak "omfgh" ... #monoceros ... "xoxo" #dises__azal
#coronavirus #ragnanorak #monoceros #dises__azal