"Ultimately, by introducing oil palm to Central America, United Fruit's crop diversification project served to replace one #monoculture with another."
"Beyond Bananas: The United Fruit Company and Agricultural “Diversification”"
#monoculture #agriculturalhistory #envhist #histodons
“If [#corporations] create 1,000-acre #monoculture #farms, we’re just re-creating the problems of the #past”
#corporations #monoculture #farms #past #deterioratingcarbonsinks
Lawn, control and the colony - Life after lawns
Lawn is “covering around 40% of the planet’s land surface, lawns are monocultures made up of a handful of species that require frequent watering, fertiliser and – often – pesticides.
Lawn is “nature under totalitarian rule”. Michael Pollan
"At a larger scale they also suggested a permanence and control that assuaged anxieties about the fragility of colonial control. Andrea Gaynor, professor of history at the University of Western Australia, argues that while some settlers appreciated the beauty of Australian landscape from early on, that “didn’t override the necessity to provide a civilised veneer that meant the colony could project an image of itself as stable, settled and prosperous, and therefore an attractive field for investment. So the cultural aspect is deeply entwined with the economics of the whole enterprise.” Simultaneously lawns helped encode and reinforce racial and social hierarchies. “Lawns were understood by Perth’s white residents as the antithesis of, and vastly superior to, Indigenous landscapes and cultures,” says Gaynor."
“Even in a drying climate we’d rather run desal[ination] plants than do away with lawn. It really shows how deeply ingrained lawn is in Australian culture as a symbol of civilisation and environmental control.”
#Lawn #colonialism #SettlerCulture #monoculture #suburbia #landscapes #CivilisedVeneer #FossilFuel #pollution #biodiversity #conservation #climate
#lawn #colonialism #settlerculture #monoculture #suburbia #landscapes #civilisedveneer #fossilfuel #pollution #biodiversity #conservation #climate
How 19th-century plantations turned Maui into a tinderbox
Hawaii/ Lahaina, the 18th century, “Venice of the Pacific”:
"A glut of natural wetlands nourished breadfruit trees, extensive taro terraces and fishponds that sustained wildlife and generations of Native."
"But more than a century and a half of plantation agriculture, driven by American and European colonists, have depleted Lahaina’s streams and turned biodiverse food forests into tinderboxes... The rise of plantation capital spawned the drying of the west side of Maui."
"Land privatization and water depletion set the stage for the Lahaina fire 150 years ago. ...Disaster capitalism at its finest”
#colonial #monoculture #plantations #water #rights #logging #IndigenousPeoples #Lahaina #Hawaii #disasters #Australia #NativeForest #bushfires
#colonial #monoculture #plantations #water #rights #logging #indigenouspeoples #lahaina #hawaii #disasters #australia #nativeforest #bushfires
The Nationals claim to be champions of "The regions", but, in reality, there's "big agriculture" and "big mining" in the hands of the few, lots of subjugated workers and also many switched-on farmers who are working to change the #monoculture. #SustainableFuture #QandA
#monoculture #sustainablefuture #qanda
Valuing Australia's rich biodiversity or introduced pets?
Over 200 years since European colonialisation Australia has suffered the largest decline in biodiversity of any continent, including the highest rate of extinctions in the modern world. Australia has signed global nature pledge committing to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. Spending to halt the extinction doesn't seem to match the rhetoric.
Introduced pets are well funded
“Cashing in the increased value ascribed to pets is a booming industry, worth $3.9bn in Australia and set to grow by 5% this year, providing products ranging from pet wearables (GPS trackers that monitor pet activity) to those that allow owners to wear their pets.”
#pets #monoculture #values #biodiversity #ecosystem #restoration#logging #extinction makers
#pets #monoculture #values #biodiversity #ecosystem #restoration #extinction
"It's also telling a story about how capitalism functions - about the current overconsumption of sugar [..] the way in which sugar creates the irresponsible foundations of human oppression, but also the way in which #sugar has left the cost of #environment|al destruction to the communities"
#UlbeBosma discusses his book #TheWorldOfSugar
#SugarIndustry #monoculture #PlantationEconomy #slavery #PlantationLabour #ecocide #SugarAndHealth #books
#sugar #environment #ulbebosma #theworldofsugar #sugarindustry #monoculture #plantationeconomy #slavery #plantationlabour #ecocide #sugarandhealth #books
La #Forêt Française en danger - Épisode 1 : L'industrialisation
#foret #environnement #monoculture
« 92% des Martiniquais et des Martiniquaises et 95% des Guadeloupéens et des Guadeloupéennes sont aujourd'hui empoisonnés par ce pesticide cancérigène reprotoxique et neurotoxique »
DÉCOLONISONS L’#ÉCOLOGIE - Reportage au cœur des #LuttesDécoloniales & écologistes
#chlordécone #Martinique #colonisation #écocide #pesticides #AgricultureIntensive #monoculture #agrochimie #RacismeEnvironnemental #LuttesÉcologistes #PolFR #HistFR #écoactivisme #documentaire
#ecologie #luttesdecoloniales #chlordecone #martinique #colonisation #ecocide #pesticides #agricultureintensive #monoculture #RacismeEnvironnemental #luttesecologistes #polfr #histfr #ecoactivisme #documentaire #lemediatv #agrochimie
"In English, #NaWaiEha means 'the Four Waters.' It refers to the four streams and rivers that flow out of the West Maui Mountains to Central Maui. #Hawaii|ans used the abundant resource to cultivate taro farms and farm fishponds for subsistence living, but that changed following #colonization and the sugar plantation industry. Today, much of the #water is diverted, and Central #Maui residents continue to dispute its allocations."
#nawaieha #hawaii #colonization #water #maui #tourism #monoculture #ecocide
When you drive past a plot of #monoculture #land in a #car, you don't tend to think much of it. You probably don't consider who owns that land, who works it, what happens to the crops or animals there, where they go afterwards, what was on that land before, or what the impact is on the surrounding area. After all, you're just driving past, and you're going so quickly that you're not confronted with these issues for very long. But we often end up massively underestimating the extent to which #BigAgro owns our society, and the harm they cause. In the #UnitedStates, this seems to be much less avoidable in the #rural areas of the #Midwest, where entire governments and economies are monopolized by Big Agro, but for people elsewhere in the country it's often hidden in plain sight.
#monoculture #land #car #BigAgro #unitedstates #rural #midwest
The Side Eye - Deeper Roots [Cyclone Gabrielle, Tairāwhiti (Gisborne), New Zealand]
https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/28-07-2023/the-side-eye-deeper-roots <-- Spinoff Side Eye story
https://teweu.nz/towards-an-indigenous-bioeconomy/ <-- towards an indigenous bio-economy in Tairāwhiti
H/T @manu Caddie
“Months after Cyclone Gabrielle smashed Tairāwhiti [Gisborne, New Zealand], locals are still cleaning up the damage. The Side Eye travels to the erosion-prone region to meet the people asking hard questions about a plan for the future…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #massmovement #climatechange #CycloneGabrielle #Tairāwhiti #Gisborne) #NewZealand #extremeweather #Gabrielle #cyclone #flood #flooding #water #hydrology #ecosystem #monoculture #forestry #forestry #risk #hazard #mitigation #monitoring #erosion #landslides #slumps #slips #slash #forestrestoration #pine #planning #impacts #humanimpact #publicsafety #economy #economic #governmentplanning #indigenous #Maori #firstnations #bioeconomy
#gis #spatial #mapping #massmovement #climatechange #cyclonegabrielle #tairawhiti #gisborne #newzealand #extremeweather #gabrielle #cyclone #flood #flooding #water #hydrology #ecosystem #monoculture #forestry #risk #hazard #mitigation #monitoring #erosion #landslides #slumps #slips #slash #forestrestoration #pine #planning #impacts #humanimpact #publicsafety #economy #economic #governmentplanning #indigenous #maori #firstnations #bioeconomy
pour sauver la #forêt, il suffit de la raser
ça, c'est de la solution !
remarquez, dans le même genre, le #gouvernement applique déjà la solution "pour soigner les gens, il suffit de les laisser mourir"
#foret #gouvernement #bois #monoculture
Get to know your neighbours
There are around 1,500 languages spoken across Melanesia. In Papua New Guinea alone, 800 distinct languages are spoken
#diversity #monolingualism #monoculture #language #culture #Kastom
#diversity #monolingualism #monoculture #language #culture #kastom
@AnnonBudgie . . they don't want adolescents to learn to say #No in their own self interest .. they might say no to the #Liberal or #National parties, or No to their #BigW or #Woolworth's Manager's .. or no #WageTheft, or social #MonoCulture ...
Learning to say no is bad in their world, and #Subversive.
#no #liberal #national #bigw #woolworth #wagetheft #monoculture #subversive
A bunch of problems with our demand for cavendish #bananas.
"genetically modified variety of the Cavendish would also reproduce as clones, meaning that it could only be a short-term solution.
Biodiversity is the alternative solution. Right now, the whole supply chain is curated to the Cavendish variety but that is increasingly untenable. Eating fewer and more diverse bananas – such as the Blue Java or Monzana varieties – might be the next best bet".
#monoculture #GMO
J’emmerde la monoculture et le gazon.
Plus de temps dans le hamac, moins derrière la tondeuse.
Et mon gazon fait tranquillement place à du trèfle, du thym, de l’origan, de la sarriette, à des fraisiers, des framboisiers, de la vigne, des miosotis, des hostas, du gingembre japonais, de la moutarde, du lierre.
Et il y a plus d’abeilles.
#jardin #monoculture #environnement
One thing I've learned is that #Fedi still has quite a bit of unsavory conduct. Much has been said about Mastodon's #monoculture problem and its poor reception of black and indigenous people. That's one reason why you may want to explore different servers. Look through my follows if you'd like to find a few good folks to follow, and look into #BIPOC-run servers like wibblur.social, blacktwitter.io, woodpecker.social, or indg.club. They're working to build good spaces.
Paper at the expense of communities and nature in Brazil
#Paper #eucalpytus #landgrabbing #socialconflict #indigenous #monoculture #Pollution #environment
#environment #pollution #monoculture #indigenous #socialconflict #Landgrabbing #eucalpytus #paper
#apple isn't an #ecosystem , it is a
#monoculture . #FOSS like fedi is an ecosystem. It grows naturally and not forced like with apple
#apple #ecosystem #monoculture #foss