@cyrilpedia Their observations show no change in the percentage of total #tumor associated #macrophages (TAMs) in the tumor tissue but a markedly increased percentage of NOS2+TAMs with no significant changes in arginase I expression...raising the question, which cell type would be the corresponding human counterpart? Macrophage or #monocyte ?
#Monocyte deposits VEGF/CXCL12-containing #Migrasome to stimulate CAM #Angiogenesis, as well as reinforce monocyte recruitment
Wonder if this fascinating cascade is also functional in tissue regeneration?😆
Dr. Li Yu lab Nature Cell Bio 2022
#Migrasome #monocyte #angiogenesis
#IDMastodon #Monocytes and #macrophages play a pivotal role in inflammation during acute #SARSCoV2 infection .I This study present evidence that #COVID19 Convalescents exhibit #monocyte alteration beyond the acute #COVID19 infection period even in convalescents with no residual symptoms that may contribute to the development PASC /#LongCovid
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.19.22282543v1.full.pdf+html @medrxivpreprint
#IDMastodon #Monocytes #macrophages #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #monocyte
RT @Sri_Baqri@twitter.com
Macrophages in health & disease: a sweeping review from @park_mstreet@twitter.com @AymericSilvin@twitter.com @MiriamMerad@twitter.com, @FGinhoux@twitter.com http://bit.ly/3A3WmwW @CellCellPress@twitter.com #Immunology #macrophages #macrophage #monocyte #cancer #infection
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Sri_Baqri/status/1590740476088373253
#infection #cancer #monocyte #macrophage #macrophages #immunology