RT @AntjeKorner@twitter.com
Real happy to share our discovery of ectopic expression of #agouti signaling protein (ASIP) is a novel #monogenic cause of #childhoodobesity @NatMetabolism@twitter.com: https://rdcu.be/c1TO4. Big thanks to great teamwork @UniLeipzig@twitter.com @HIMAG_Leipzig@twitter.com.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AntjeKorner/status/1604946559258398721
#agouti #monogenic #childhoodobesity
RT @AntjeKorner@twitter.com
Real happy to share our discovery of ectopic expression of #agouti signaling protein (ASIP) is a novel #monogenic cause of #childhoodobesity @NatMetabolism@twitter.com: https://rdcu.be/c1TO4. Big thanks to great teamwork @UniLeipzig@twitter.com @HIMAG_Leipzig@twitter.com.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AntjeKorner/status/1604946559258398721
#childhoodobesity #monogenic #agouti
RT @casanova_lab
13/ This mechanism of disease may operate generally, facilitating the search for other genetic lesions in children with #MIS-C
14/ This observation also suggests that other forms of #Kawasaki Disease may be deciphered by searching for #monogenic lesions in cohorts of patients whose Kawasaki was #triggered by one #virus or a group of related viruses
#mis #Kawasaki #monogenic #triggered #virus