Blogged: Making your website look like a typewritten page, part 1
đ· #design #monospace #typography
#design #monospace #typography
Coucou amis de tous les réseaux. C'est un appel à l'aide.
Ăa y est, c'est officiel, suite Ă mon accident de samedi dernier, ma voiture ne sera pas rĂ©parĂ©e. J'ai fait un article sur mon blog pour ma recherche de voiture que vous pouvez transfĂ©rer Ă vos rĂ©seaux car on ne sait jamais:
J'ai repéré deux-trois annonces sur le bon coin, mais je ne connais pas les garages en question. Merci beaucoup.
#van #monospace #ludospace #occasion #voiture #cherche
Lovely monospaced typeface
On the #AUR, the package is ttf-maple
#aur #fonts #monospace #terminal #opensource
Commit Mono
Yet another #monospace #font đ
It looks quite a bit like Fira Code. What do you think about it?
Excited to see the work of Eigil Nikolajsen in where he has created a stylish monospace font with American style 'a' and 'g' but lots of stylistic preferences to each ones liking: #monospace #font
Any fediverse suggestions for an open #monospace #font for #programming and #commandline interfaces?
#monospace #font #programming #commandline
i really like #JetBrainsMono #font, but it might be fun to mix things up a bit.. ..does anyone have any suggestions for #monospace #fonts i should check out?
#jetbrainsmono #font #monospace #fonts
What's your favorite #monospace #font for #terminal life? Comic Code makes me very happy.
#ViernesDeEscritorio Debian 11 con XFCE 4 ahora con el tema Dracula, paquete de iconos Papirus y tipos de letra regular. Como siempre los fondos de pantalla de MTG.
#gnulinux #gnu #linux #debian #xfce #dracula #papirus #monospace #mtgâ
#mtg #monospace #papirus #dracula #xfce #Debian #Linux #GNU #gnulinux #viernesdeescritorio
Dear #font designers,
A #monospace lowercase 'L' does *not* looks like this:
. . |
. . |
__ | __
It looks like this:
. . |
. . |
. . | __
Please take heed and stop making 'L's look like ones. Thankyou.
Weirdly specific rant, complete.
#font #monospace #fontdesign #serifs
đ”đŽ Modern Mono
by Tim Bray
#typography #coding #Monospace #terminal #IDE
#typography #coding #monospace #terminal #ide
Finally bit the bullet and started using the very expensive PragmataPro typeface in my editor, terminal, etc. I'm switching from Iosevka, which I love dearly, and Pragmata is similarly condensed.
Long story short, I love it. I love how much text it fits on a relatively small laptop screen, and I love that it includes the nerdfont symbols out of the box. Very satisfied nerd here.
(The only symbol I'm not a huge fan of is the % sign!)
#monospace #code #font comparison:
âModern Monoâ
Modern Mono
The summary by @timbray on the answers to his question "what are some groovy new #monospace #fonts for #terminals and #IDEs?"
#monospace #fonts #Terminals #ides #emacs
Introductory typeface heuristics:
#Serif is for when you make more money from the elderly than Patreon.
#SanSerif is what you use when you cease serif usage because of masonic rumours or when leftist youth seize control and are building a guillotine.
#Monospace is the easiest reliable way to deceive managers into thinking you're their best programmer.
#ComicSans is used either because it's practical to manage dyslexia and you care, or you're a troll and you don't care; or (most likely) both.
#serif #sanserif #monospace #comicsans
I know that #markdown support on #Mastodon is controversial, and I understand the reluctance to add it, but maybe a #monospace font option for people who want to include a command-line reference or a few lines of #code in their post?
#markdown #mastodon #monospace #code
đ» Coding with Character
by Doug Wilson
@realdougwilson @onpaperwings
#typography #MonospacedFonts #Monospace
#typography #monospacedfonts #monospace
Did anyone already compile a list of duospace (for example iA Writer @ia @reichenstein) and triplespace typefaces?
Asking for our intern.
#monospace #duospace #triplespace #typeface
#monospace #duospace #triplespace #typeface
Had no idea until this article by @chriscoyier that Operator Mono (with the great attribution below the dropdown "Operator is designed by @andyclymer and Hoefler & Co") is available to use on Code Pen (!). There's also a wide variety of other code fonts like @djrrb input.