But what about El Niño?!?!
The effects of El Niño are typically stronger in the hemisphere experiencing winter. This means that it isn't likely El Niño will have a strong influence on the North American Monsoon Season.
#nvwx #cawx #azwx #monsoon2k23
Today marks the end of Monsoon Awareness Week! We hope you enjoyed learning about the various weather hazards that occur during the monsoon and gained some valuable safety tips. For more information, visit: arcg.is/1rSjLv0 #Monsoon2k23
Monsoon Awareness Week is complete! Stay safe this summer!
¡La Semana de Concienciación del Monzón ha terminado! ¡Cuídese este verano! #monsoon2k23 #nmwx #txwx
You're ready for time on the water, but are you #WeatherReady? It is vital to know how to respond to monsoon t-storms, rapid wind shifts, and other dangerous weather. T-storms can develop quickly, creating dangerous wind and wave conditions. https://weather.gov/safety/safeboati… #Monsoon2k23
Are you planning to go boating this monsoon? Don't forget to check the forecast before you head out. If storms start to form, head to port or safe shelter immediately! https://weather.gov/safety/safeboati… #WeatherReady #Monsoon2k23
Weather can make your time on the water wonderful or deadly. It is vital to know how to respond to t-storms and/or rapid wind shifts and other dangerous weather. T-storms can develop quickly & create dangerous wind & wave conditions. #Monsoon2k23
Weather can make your time on the water wonderful or deadly. It is vital to know how to respond to t-storms and/or rapid wind shifts and other dangerous weather. T-storms can develop quickly & create dangerous wind & wave conditions. #Monsoon2k23
Boaters: When storms start to form, head to port or safe shelter immediately! http://weather.gov/safety/safeboating Check out this video from our friends at @NWSLosAngeles https://youtu.be/jMU0zdTXr1U #WeatherReady #Monsoon2k23
Monsoon Awareness Week: Weather can make your time on the water wonderful or deadly. During the monsoon, thunderstorms can develop quickly & produce strong wind shifts, lightning, heavy rain, & more. #Monsoon2k23
Check out this video from @NWSLosAngeles: piped.video/2AqmeUxF4sg
Monsoon Awareness Week: Boating Hazards
ALWAYS wear a life jacket.
Never use pool toys as flotation devices! In windy conditions, these are easily swept over deep waters.
When thunder roars, go indoors (definitely out of the water!).
Monsoon Awareness Week concludes with a homespun video message on boating safety. Enjoy and stay safe! https://youtu.be/jMU0zdTXr1U
Monsoon Awareness Week: We don't have much water here in our area, but if you're planning on going to Elephant Butte or some other lake in the Southwest, it's important to know the potential hazards for boating and other water-related activities. #monsoon2k23 #nmwx #txwx
#NMwx Monsoon Awareness Week: Today's topic is safe boating during the Monsoon.
Are you planning a boating excursion this summer? Before you go out on the water, check the forecast and ensure your boat has the essential & required safety equipment & communications tools. #Monsoon2k23
#NMwx Grab that life jacket & "Wear It!"
Nearly 85% of those who drown while boating were not wearing a life jacket.
Wearing a life jacket is one of the most effective and simple life-saving strategies for safe recreational boating. #Monsoon2k23
#NMwx Weather can make your time on the water wonderful or deadly.
It is vital to know how to respond to t-storms and/or rapid wind shifts and other dangerous weather.
T-storms can develop quickly & create dangerous wind & wave conditions. #Monsoon2k23
#NMwx Boaters should use extra caution when t-storm conditions exist & have a plan of escape.
If you do venture out & recognize t-storms nearby, head to shore & find a safe shelter ASAP.
Ultimately, boating safety begins ashore with planning and training. #Monsoon2k23
Wildfires can spread quickly — by the time one is nearby, you may not have much time. Stay #WeatherReady by preparing ahead of time. Ready your home, have an evacuation plan, and prepare an emergency supply kit. https://weather.gov/safety/wildfire #Monsoon2k23
What causes wildfires to spread? The main culprits are dry vegetation, strong winds, high temperatures, and drought conditions. To stay #WeatherReady and protect yourself from wildfires, visit https://weather.gov/wildfire #WildfireScience #Monsoon2k23
#weatherready #wildfirescience #monsoon2k23
Monsoon Awareness Week: The weeks prior to the moist onset of the Monsoon are often critical for wildfire development & growth, as fuel conditions (grasses, tree canopy, shrubs, etc.) are usually driest. #Monsoon2k23
Burn scars from wildfires increase the risk of debris flows, which can destroy homes in their paths. Be aware of your surroundings and stay #WeatherReady by having multiple ways to receive weather alerts. https://weather.gov/safety/flood #Monsoon2k23