Erin Island is about to have a ‘sea monster’ problem. But the Garda and a Marine Ecologist figures out that the creatures need blood and water to survive and by mere happenstance they discover what kills them when one of the creatures dies after biting an alcoholic. So the plan is to invite the town to a party at the local tavern and get them drunk. It’s a bad plan but it is a plan. This is Grabbers. #horror #film #cinema #Irish #monstermovie This movie is pretty fun and it’s on Tubi!
#horror #film #cinema #Irish #monsterMovie
CAN - Mary, Mary So Contrary
#CAN #marysocontrary #monstermovie #sixties #krautrock #kosmischemusik #nowlistening
#can #marysocontrary #monsterMovie #sixties #krautrock #kosmischemusik #nowlistening
So I’ve been trying to remember this movie for years, I just could not figure out the name plus I remember nothing about it but a cellar but then I saw a still from a scene and found it. It’s like a werewolf movie but they are not wolves and instead of being changed by the moon, they are changed by storms. It is called Nailbiter. And this movie is so much better than I could have imagined! #horror #film #cinema #monstermovie
#horror #film #cinema #monsterMovie
A family goes on an ice fishing trip and encounters a deadly creature that has clearly lived in the lake a long, long time. And once they are on the ice and has seen the creature, it is not making it easy for them to return to land. The creature may look like it’s right out of a 1930s monster movie but it’s fast and it’s victims are often dead before they realized it was there. This is Hypothermia! #horror #monstermovie #film #cinemastodon
#horror #monsterMovie #film #cinemastodon
Abbiamo di fronte un film scanzonato di una vecchia volpe, Neil Marshall, che ha festeggiato proprio a Trieste il suo ventennale di carriera. Inglesi e americani fumettosi, personaggi caricaturali, fino al giovane afgano che redime il suo status a colpi di sciabola... tutto ci regala un #monsterMovie di stampo classico che diverte con i suoi mutilamenti ben fatti e ammazzamenti incorniciati da punchline. Con appena un pelo di trama in più si poteva gridare al capolavoro di genere, ma rimane un film perfetto per una serata con la fame di "schiaffi gratis" e mostri ben disegnati ed animati. 3/5, sulla via per il 4.