Donnerstag ist #GeforceNow Update Tag! Was für neue #Cloudgaming Spiele sind am Start? Diese:
#HotelRenovator (Neu auf #Steam)
#ClashArtifactsofChaos (Neu auf Steam, März 9.)
#Figment2CreedValley (Neu auf Steam, März 9.)
#MonsterEnergySupercrossTheOfficialVideogame6 (Neu auf Steam, März 9.)
#BigAmbitions (Neu auf Steam, März 10.)
#CalloftheSea (Kostenlos bei #Epic Games, März 9.)
#GRIDLegends (Steam und #EA)
#ScarsAbove (Steam)
Zum Blog:
#geforcenow #cloudgaming #hotelrenovator #steam #clashartifactsofchaos #figment2creedvalley #monsterenergysupercrosstheofficialvideogame6 #bigambitions #callofthesea #epic #GridLegends #ea #scarsabove
Ausblick auf März:
#HotelRenovator (Steam, 7.3.)
#ClashArtifactsofChaos (Steam, 9.3)
#Figment2CreedValley (Steam, 9.3)
#MonsterEnergySupercrossTheOfficialVideogame6 (Steam, 9.3)
#BigAmbitions (Steam, 10.03.)
#TheLegendofHeroeTrailstoAzure (Steam, 14.03.)
#SmallandSurvivetheWilds (Steam, 29.03.)
#Ravenbound (Steam, 30.03.)
#DREDGE (Steam, 30.03.)
#TheGreatWarWesternFront (Steam, 30.03.)
#SystemShock (Steam und Epic)
#AmberialDreams (Steam)
#hotelrenovator #clashartifactsofchaos #figment2creedvalley #monsterenergysupercrosstheofficialvideogame6 #bigambitions #thelegendofheroetrailstoazure #smallandsurvivethewilds #ravenbound #dredge #thegreatwarwesternfront #systemshock #amberialdreams
28 #games were added to Game Sense yesterday #MonsterEnergySupercrossTheOfficialVideogame6#ChopGoblins#Warhammer40KGladius #gaming #videogames
#games #monsterenergysupercrosstheofficialvideogame6 #gaming #videogames
28 #games were added to Game Sense yesterday #MonsterEnergySupercrossTheOfficialVideogame6#ChopGoblins#Warhammer40KGladius #gaming #videogames
#games #monsterenergysupercrosstheofficialvideogame6 #gaming #videogames
When we started working on Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 6 we knew that the task would have not been easy. #MonsterEnergySupercrossTheOfficialVideogame6
When we started working on Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 6 we knew that the task would have not been easy. #MonsterEnergySupercrossTheOfficialVideogame6