Looking forward to 2023 & another great year of landscape-scale habitat #restoration & nature recovery at #Corrour. Featuring:
- #Peatland restoration with PeatlandACTION and contractor Barker and Bland
- Azure Hawker #dragonfly conservation bog pool creation with the British Dragonfly Society
- #MontaneScrub planting with TreeSurv
- Lots of natural tree #regeneration
+ much more!
#regeneration #montanescrub #dragonfly #peatland #corrour #restoration
Huge thanks to all who attended my talk at the British Ecological Society Conference #BES2022. It was on my #PhD research @StirlingScience exploring outputs in montane willow scrub restoration.
I'm grateful for the fantastic range of questions afterwards highlighting exciting new research opportunities including carbon dynamics & conservation genetics, while also providing opportunity to discuss other chapters of my PhD. It couldn't have been a more perfect Q&A! 🤩
#restoration #montanescrub #phd #bes2022
Where should you plant montane willows for best outputs in #montanescrub habitat #restoration? I'm presenting results from my @StirlingScience #PhD research at the British Ecological Society Conference #BES2022 tomorrow. @ 17:15 in session S17: Conservation Science and Policy (Forest #Conservation).
#conservation #bes2022 #phd #restoration #montanescrub
I'm thrilled to have my work & research on mountain woodland restoration & conservation management @StirlingScience & #Corrour showcased by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) in their series on Scotland’s Leaders in Biodiversity Conservation Science!
Published to mark #COP15.
#biodiversity #conservation #mountainwoodland #montanescrub #restoration #research
#research #restoration #montanescrub #mountainwoodland #conservation #biodiversity #cop15 #corrour
I'm giving a lunchtime lecture
at St. Andrews Botanic Garden on Tues 6th December: Bringing Back the “Wee Trees”: Mountain Woodland Restoration in Scotland. I'll discuss restoration benefits, pioneering conservation projects & my PhD research @StirlingScience.
Book your free ticket: https://standrewsbotanic.org/2022-12-06-1230-lunchtime-lecture-bringing-back-the-wee-trees-mountain-woodland-restoration-in-scotland-msnUfK.html
#mountain #woodland #restoration #montanescrub #PhD #research #lecture
#lecture #research #phd #montanescrub #restoration #woodland #mountain #mountainwoodlandrestoration
Please read the latest story on the Scottish Rewilding Alliance website showcasing the Mountain Birch Project with
Reforesting Scotland and Scotland the Big Picture! It is one of a growing number of exciting initiatives recognising the vital need to restore mountain woodland.
Story link 👉https://rewild.scot/rewilding-stories/the-search-for-scotlands-mountain-trees
Watch the short film 👉https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpk1l0OXwec
Photos by Mark Hamblin
#rewilding #mountainbirchproject #restoration #montanescrub #citizenscience #mountainwoodland
#mountainwoodland #citizenscience #montanescrub #restoration #mountainbirchproject #rewilding