Die #RPGaDay2023 Antwort (16) RPG I wish I owned? Das ist wohl #Ptolus #MonteCook's City by the Spire" - #DnD5e kompatibel, aber vor allem ein auf eine Stadt konzentriertes #Worldbuilding, das #Absalom auf #Golarion übertrifft, mindestens vom Umfang her. Als Ebook erschwinglich https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/344033/Ptolus-Monte-Cooks-City-by-the-Spire Als Hardcover ein Trumm, das Markus Plötz von #UlissesSpiele leider für deutsch unpublizierbar hält: https://amzn.to/3DXcfqH Falls mir das jemand schenken will? Nur zu! #pnpde
#rpgaday2023 #Ptolus #montecook #dnd5e #worldbuilding #absalom #Golarion #UlissesSpiele #pnpde
Light of the summer glade - manifest cypher, level 1d6+3, a gift to humans from the fey queen Moonlight on Silver Streams. 4 small candles, white, with black wicks, that smell faintly of hot summer days. When lit they take 1 of 2 forms, a swirling circle of multiple candles that protects an immediate area within, or a short wall of candles. Wherever their light touches, undead flesh burns. (Damage equal to cypher level to push through it).
#ttrpg #cyphersystem #montecook
I wish that @montecook ‘s Dungeon A Day site was still around. I don’t even think the PDFs are still for sale. But it was a great example of how an adventure could be presented in a non-traditional manner. Each room had its own web page, with links to lore articles and adjoining rooms. It was a cool experiment in alternative ways to present a dungeon, and I haven’t seen anything like it since.
#TTRPG #DND #MegaDungeon #AdventureDesign #MonteCook #DungeonADay
#ttrpg #DnD #Megadungeon #AdventureDesign #montecook #dungeonaday
I just finished up a fun Cypher fantasy game. I was squire Gerard, a heavily armored "tank" warrior (Resilient warrior who stands like a bastion). We were investigating a spat of spell casting dinosaurs invading the area around a village. We resolved the mystery and shut down the portal. I strode through a wall of flame (created from a cypher) to smack a triceratops upside the snout...
#cyphersystem #montecook #ttrpg
Tomorrow night I'll be running my one shot (in the Cypher system) of "Winter's Daughter", an OSR module set in the Dolmenwood setting.
It looks like it will be fun.
We have
A Jovial explorer who helps his friends.
An impulsive explorer who consorts with the Dead
A Hardy Warrior who wields an enchanted weapon (skills and knowledge flavor)
And an Adept of some sort. (There is always a straggler with the characters)
#ttrpg #Cyphersystem #montecook #OSR #Dolmenwood
#ttrpg #cyphersystem #montecook #osr #dolmenwood
Now we’re cooking with fire! Traded the #Planebreaker books with that One logo in for #MonteCook’s #CypherSystem version and bought the hard copy of the Cypher System rulebook.
#planebreaker #montecook #cyphersystem
It appears that the Dolmenwood setting is quite popular. And that the module "Winter's Daughter" is very well thought of. I'm going to run it in Cypher fantasy )We are all made here) system as a one-shot. In just a few hours I've gotten more interest than any other Discord Theater of the Mind adventure I've done. #TTrpg #Dolmenwood #OSE #fey #Cyphersystem #Montecook
#ttrpg #dolmenwood #ose #fey #cyphersystem #montecook
Okay, I take it back. The Magnus archives podcast is a worthy listen. I've gone back to 2016 to the start and its "hey, this is nice spooky stuff!" There is a hint of a background plot starting up...
I started listening because there is going to be a cypher book about it. (By Monte Cooke games)
#podcast #magnusarchives #montecook
So, Cypher System, Monte Cooke games is going to do a book on the Magnus Archives. To see what its all about I'm listening to the episodes now. Or at least the first few. I'm on episode one now.
I'm not impressed. Bean the dog isn't impressed. (I'm listening on the Alexa, in the living room waiting on my wife to get home from days gone).
#podcast #cyphersystem #montecook #magnusarchives #horror
Okay, lets try this. For those familiar with Cypher system. What are some GMI's related to a superhero scenario where a combat helicopter is stuck in the side of a multistory building? It hit hard enough to destabilize the building (First responder rules!), it's leaking fuel (of course), there is an unconscious, restrained supervillain on board, and there are live munitions - mostly mini missiles. It's about 3 stories up, so not far.
#ttrpg #Montecook #Cyphersystem
#ttrpg #montecook #cyphersystem
Reading over Monte Cook's "Cypher System" is a study in "Why the HELL didn't I think of that??" moments. I literally feel like this is the last rpg rules system I'll ever use.
#cyphersystem #ttrpg #montecook #montecookgames
I fed chatgpt the general idea behind my first cypher superhero adventure arc. I asked it for ways a supervillain with x powers might accomplish x goals. One of the ways it came up with is what my villain is doing, and I'm modifying things to include two elements it came up with in other ideas.
I'm not sure how to feel about this.
#Ttrpg #chatGPT #robotapocalypse #Themachinesarecoming #luddite #brainstorming #montecook #cyphersystem
#ttrpg #chatgpt #robotapocalypse #themachinesarecoming #luddite #brainstorming #montecook #cyphersystem
Mental note: Doom of Retribution from the Planar Bestiary may say CR 1, but it's functionally much much scarier if you don't know how to stop the spawning.
#rpg #montecook
So I'll toss this out - a few ways to sentence a special ops type superhero for the Cypher system. What is your take?
It could be a "tough explorer who hunts", or quite a few other things. But what springs to YOUR mind? #TTRPG #Cyphersystem #montecook
#ttrpg #cyphersystem #montecook
Now that BackerKit is doing crowdfunding ... I'm so pleased with the performance of their web site! Kickstarter web site is slow. It seems like Backerkit is off to a good start with their architecture. (Thanks Backerkit!)
I just backed Monte Cook's "Adventure in the Cypher System." I'm new to Cypher and grabbed the PDF package (I may pick up a physical book or two later).
#webdev #performance #ux
#ttrpg #montecook #rpg #cyphersystem #boardgames
#webdev #performance #ux #ttrpg #montecook #rpg #cyphersystem #boardgames
Roll20, Deadlands and Numenera RPG makers join Pathfinder studio’s open game licence as D&D OGL rival gathers momentum
#ogl #orc #opendnd #roll20 #montecook
Currently searching for great #GM tips for #TTRPG. I'm digesting #montecook's #YourBestGameEver, #SlyFlourish's Return of the Lszy DM, and Chris McDowall's Electric Bastionland, mining for good, system agnostic ideas. Smart prep is a lot of the difference, but also some interesting under the hood tricks to make the game more interesting for players (and fun for me!)
Any other tips on quality GM resources along a similar vein?
#gm #ttrpg #montecook #yourbestgameever #slyflourish
2. Favourite #ttrpg game world?
For sheer potential, I love #Numenera because while #MonteCook provided certain insight into the Nine Worlds, much of the game world was, nevertheless, a blank slate.
A billion years in the future, the population live in a world utterly changed from the one we know, and yet founded on all that has come before. Fossilized layers of strange history waiting to be explored and unearthed.
It was something exciting to consider and unwrap at the tabletop.
My Cypher game of "claim the sky" superheroes is gathering steam! 2023 will be a lot of fun for this campaign.
#montecook #cyphersystem #superheroes #ttrpg
I'm going to be running a Cypher system "Claim the Sky" Superhero game built around the "Wearing the Cape" series by Marion g. Harmon. Discord based, Theater of the Mind, every other friday in the new year, 7 to 10 eastern. I might have the 4 players I need, I might not, (not sure yet) if you want your name in the pot, DM Me.
#cyphersystem #montecook #ttrpg #superheroes #claimthesky